There are connections between the lies and intrigues of BILLIE JEAN and a former „Tabloid Queen“ named Diane Dimond, who earns herself money with scandals and with stories about Michael Jackson.
On June 13, 2005, a proper court with a Jury of 12 delivered its verdict on Michael Jackson: „Not guilty on all counts“. Before that verdict, Michael Jackson was examined in court by experts: nine experts in fingerprints alone, experts in DNA, Computer experts, experts for reconstruction of accidents, financial crime, telephones, acoustics, security systems, psychology, pathology. The prosecutors also hired child abuse experts because we were told that this was what it was all about. Taxpayers‘ money spent is estimated to be in the millions. Up until 2005, Michael Jackson was judged by at least four judges and some 50 jury members, five prosecutors and the public opinion.
On 13.06.2005 the eternally accused was declared „not guilty“ in court.
On November 22, 2005, an „investigative journalist“ named Diane Dimond revealed „The End Result of Confidential Sources“ and sold her very own version of the charges against Michael Jackson. In a book. 1
The topic of the „confidential“ sources in Dimond’s book is child abuse. An accusation made against Michael Jackson which had never legal validity in court. An accusation, however, with which plenty of money can be made in movies, books and TV shows. For her booktitle about alleged childmolestation reporter Diane Dimond used of all things Michael Jacksons song BILLIE JEAN: „Be Careful Who You Love“.
Tabloid scandals like in Billie Jean or Diane Dimond as Evan Chandlers „closest ally“
Dimond’s book is based on the events surrounding an unsuccessful screenwriter named Evan Chandler. That screenwriter had hoped in 1993 for a Hollywood career with the help of Michael Jackson. Chandler’s hopes were not fulfilled, but he did not give up. First he threatened Jackson, then he demanded money for four screenwriting scripts from Jackson, and finally, when everything else failed, he had the King of Pop accused of child abuse. In a civil lawsuit, which was carried out in the media by his lawyer Larry Feldman, Chandler earned himself in the end several million dollars. About those events in 1993, the screenwriter Evan Chandler wrote some sort of script which he again tried to market as a book since January 1994. Chandler’s hopes of marketing this book about his own son and the accusation „Jackson: child molestation“ were once more dashed.
Evan Chandler sued Michael Jackson again in 1996. This time Chandler demanded to be allowed to sing about the events of 1993 – which he had called „a massacre“ – in a music album. Chandler had already thought of a title for that music album: „EVANstory“. Again Chandler’s hopes were disappointed and this time a judge did not give him such permission.
In 2004 Evan Chandler finally found a book publisher who polished and published his story. Title: „All That Glitters“. Basis for that book was a script the screenwriter had already written in 1993. It was in essence: EVANstory, the story about Evan Chandler. Evan Chandler’s text from 1993 was also basis for Diane Dimond’s book from 2005. Diane Dimond described Chandler’s manuscript as a „42-page chronology“ that „somehow got into her hands„.
In the 1990s, Diane Dimond was to be built up to become a „tabloid queen“, thus the persona of tabloid-press in American TV. In the Chandler story, reporter Diane Dimond, who earned herself money in creating „scandals“, was so deeply involved that Chandler’s lawyer Larry Feldman praised her:
„Diane Dimond, who’s really your closest ally.“
Evan Chandler’s Lawyer Larry Feldman. 2
Also in 1993 involved was Larry Feldman, Evan Chandlers lawyer. Feldman had litigated Chandlers case in the media, which in the end resulted in a $5 million profit for himself.
When „the lie becomes the thruth“ with Diane Dimond and Billie Jean or the many ways of the „EVANstory“
In 1996, a questionable character named Victor Gutierrez published his own book about Chandlers „EVANstory“: Gutierrez provided Chandler’s story with his pedophilic fantasies and called it „Michael Jackson was my lover“. In 1999 Gutierrez’s written creation was removed from the market following a court decision. 2004 Evan and Raymond Chandler published their book „„All That Glitters -The Crime and the Cover Up“.
In 2005, reporter Diane Dimond tried to paint in her book a serious portrait of „Dr.“ Chandler. She left out Chandler’s unlawful actions (some of them had brought him to the disciplinary committeee). Dimond also left out when Evan Chandler in 1993 allegedly administered Michael Jackson Morphine to the point of unconsciousness.
Dimond rewrites Chandler’s own published story. Why does it have to be rewritten?
In Dimonds version of the „EVANstory“ in her book she withheld her own „sensational report“ about her journalistic embarrassment in collaboration with Victor Gutierrez about a video fantasy from 1995. Dimond complety withheld the character Gutierrez as well. She also deliberately fails to mention to her readers that Michael Jackson had personally brought Dimond to court in 1995. Dimond also does not explain to her readers about her connections to Evan Chandler.
What remains is that Dimond fails in her efforts to convince the reader of any guilt of Michael Jackson. Combined with the reades own research and background knowledge, Dimonds story has a bad taste of distorting facts.
Notable is Dimond’s lack of confidence in Raymond and Evan Chandler’s own version of the child molestation allegation in their 2004 book „All That Glitters“. There are chapters in Chandler’s book, which are incomprehensible and illogical. And exactly these chapters Dimond rewrites in her own book. But by doing so, she provides something like an unintentional counterevidence. Because if Chandler’s story wasn’t a story, but simply the truth, why does it have to be rewritten so often by those who are so desperate to convince of Jackson’s guilt?

picture: Diane Dimond and Paul Barresi. 2005
In 2005, Diane Dimond promoted her version of alleged child abuse with an ex-porn star: Paul Barresi. In 1993, Barresi was involved with a couple named Philipp and Stella Lemarque. They created lucrative tabloid interviews with the name „Michael Jackson“ in the headline.
Diane Dimond, Be careful who you love. Source: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Diane Dimond: „Be careful who you love“ or „many sources later“
In the history of „fake news“, „anonymous sources“ have gone out of fashion in serious journalism. When Dimond dedicates the first page of her book to „all unnamed sources“, she provides a tabloid opening to her 1993 version of the Chandler scandal which could not be more ironic.
Dimond is gloating on Jackson’s strip search
Immediately in the opening chapter Dimond entertains her reader with the strip search of Michael Jackson in December 1993 by prosecutor Tom Sneddon. She dedicates herself in greatdetail to the „exceptionally degrading“ strip search procedure for „the star“. Dimonds entire text reminds the reader of the description of a victory. It’s worth noting that Dimond’s portrayal here is remarkably identical with the portrayal by Victor Gutierrez in his book from. Dimond published ten years after Gutierrez. Had Dimond perhaps copied from her „best source“? Or was there simply an exchange of information over the years? The question remains: How does a tabloid-reporter get hold of confidential, non-public court transcripts which they then commercializes in a book?
Furthermore Diane Dimond decorated in her book the figure of „her“ Michael Jackson during the strip search in 1993 as follows:
„uneasy, explode in a rage, pointing, shouted directing, enraged, ranted, struggled, attempt to break free, hysterical, completely uncontrollable, fought to control him, to attack, to flee the room, „assholes“, screamed, out of control, state of hysteria, refusing, outburst, struggling, yelled, protested, hostility, anger, scream, oblivious, violently, slapped, ranted, the star struggled, questioned, quickly, coming after, headed to the door, yelled, rage, „with great gusto slammed the door“
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 8
And all of this in a single chapter in which Dimond desperately tries to explain the non-existence of a photograph that should have been proof of Jackson’s alleged guilt. Michael Jackson’s handcuffed arrest in 2003 is Diane Dimond’s additional highlight in her book, and presented to the reader with equal extensiveness.
How „the lie becomes the truth“ (Billie Jean) in the universe of anonymous „sources“ in the world of Diane Dimond
Diane Dimond explains to the world her version of Michael Jackson through a colorful bouquet of „sources„. Reporter Dimond „cultivated sources“ in her decades-long attempt to find Michael Jackson guilty. In the media Dimond likes to present herself as an insider. However, in the only trial against Michael Jackson in 2005, the Prosecution considered Dimond and her „confidential sources“ as insignificant. They existed only in the world of Diane Dimond. In the real world of justice they were worthless.
Diane Dimond’s book from 2005 and her journalistic reports are a bubbling fountain of all her sources:
„family sources“, „sources close to the family“, confidential sources, law enforcement sources, „cold call“ sources, new sources, „The source“, „several sources“, „sources inside“, „source of mine“, „newly acquired source“, „their Source of information“ geht über in „my source of information“, „informed sources“, „a source“, „another source“, „industry sources“, „business sources“, „reliable sources“, „other sources“, „multiple sources inside“, „a source in england“, „legal sources“, „sources who are experienced“, „an independent source“, „public relation sources“, „informed sources“, „cop sources“,„another source“, „very reliable sources“,„My sources all say“, „My sources are telling me“, „we learned from another source“, „Sources told me“, „sources said“, „according to sources close to“, „were reporting to me“, „sources confirmed“, „this confidential source told me“, „sources … have admitted to me“, „sources told me, emphatically …“, „ sources that I had spoken to“, „sources revealed“, „confidential sources had mentioned“, „source who feel compelled to add“, „I am told by very, very long-term, reliable sources“.
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 9
Dimonds sources are not idle:
„sources told me“, „sources said“, „according to sources close to“, „were reporting to me“, „sources confirmed“, „my sources all say“, „this confidential source told me“, „sources … have admitted to me“, „sources told me, emphatically …“, “ sources that I had spoken to“, „sources revealed“, „confidential sources had mentioned“, „source who feel compelled to add“,.
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 10
„I am told by very, very long-term, reliable sources“
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 11
Michael Jackson was acquitted in court. But Diane Dimond tries to pronounce Michael Jackson guilty. At the end of her narrative Dimond uses her potpurri of „sources“ even as some sort of timekeeper:
„many sources later“.
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 12
In addition, the „investigative journalist“ Diane Dimond creates her own „Jackson-version“ with the following terms:
„grotesquely“, „manufactured“, „path of destruction“, „grossly undereducated but wise in the ways of the worst kind of human behavior“, „anguish“, „longings and secrecy“, „his ever-changing face should have given us the first clue“, „struggled“, „telltale signs“, „extravagant“, „cover up“, „man-child“, „late-blooming antics“, „unthinkable“, „sin“, „Drama“, „struggle“, „bizarre persona“, „face was heavily made up“, „wispy-voiced.“
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 13
But Diane Dimonds Descriptions in connection with allegations of child molestation are crowned by her with the following sentence:
„Jackson performed a slow dance of seduction.„
Dimond, Diane, book: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case. 14
Words like these have no place in topics of child abuse, even if it’s only claimed.
Diane Dimonds cult around the term „boy“: no less than 443 times
The reader is taken aback how often Diane Dimond favors the term „boy“ in her book, also the term „young boys“. Dimond uses the word „boy“ no less than 443 times. This also reminds of Victor Gutierrez. And both writers, Dimond and Gutierrez, are with their own choice of words far ahead of Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson always used the term „children“, never did he run the cult around „boys“ like Gutierrez and Dimond had done.
By the way, at the end of her book the author Diane Dimond accuses the world-famous entertainer Michael Jackson of influencing the public.
Michael Jackson, Diane Dimond and BILLIE JEAN or how the reporters „lie becomes the truth“
Diane Dimond chose for her booktitle a line from Michael Jackson’s song BILLIE JEAN. Also Diane Dimond chose for her book a continuation of Victor Gutierrez‘ book from 1995: „Michael Jackson was my lover“. Dimond and Gutierrez repeatedly use Michael Jackson, since the line „Billie Jean is not my lover“ and „be careful who you love“ belongs to him. Michale Jackson had written thoses words in 1982 for the song BILLIE JEAN. BILLIE Jean is his song about lies, about blackmail and fraud. BILLIE JEAN is about scandals and false claims. BILLIE JEAN, with
„her schemes and plans … the lie becomes the truth“
Michael Jackson, BILLIE JEAN, 1982. 15
Dimond chose her booktitle „Be Careful Who You Love“ from BILLIE JEAN and it sounds like a warning. But already in the title the author is wrong in her judgement: Michael Jackson’s BILLIE JEAN is only on the surface about the seduction by a woman he could not resist. And of all things, reporter Diane Dimond chose BILLIE JEAN for her book about the scandal and about the entertainer, in which his criticism of the media is hidden.
Michael Jackson was world star, so he was dependent on the press. He needed their positive headlines and their attention. Symbolically, he had to „dance“ with the press. That was part of the price of his fame. Billie Jean like the press, had to court him as „the only one“. When Jackson sings that BILLIE JEAN finally chooses him as „the only one“, for Jackson, who needed the media attention, it was maybe as tempting to him „as the smell of sweet perfume“. Those who wants to be in the spotlight as „the only one“ must enter into a liaison with the press. In BILLIE JEAN, Michael Jackson sings about the eyes of those „who dreamed of being the one“. Only the press, like BILLIE JEAN, is able to „cause a scene“ for the only one, the super talent. In the spotlight.
But Jackson also sings that BILLIE JEAN is devious, that she makes up stories about him and passes them off as her truth. He sings about court cases in which BILLIE JEAN invented the lie that he was the father of a child „whose eyes look like mine“. He describes BILLIE JEAN as a liar, she is dangerous and influences the public. BILLIE JEAN, in whose story „the lie becomes the truth“ and reporters make their money at the expense of the star. BILLIE JEAN in which headlines and scandals burn themselves into the public consciousness as truth. Michael Jackson vehemently denies in the song. But it never helped.
Reporter Diane Dimond chose for her book title from Jackson’s entire repertoire BILLIE JEAN, the song that is to be understood as a critique of reporters like her

In Jackson’s film, bored housemaids with curlers become informers who made themselves important for a moment of their barred existence. Michael Jackson’s BILLIE-JEAN scandal from 1983 somehow predicts the Chandler scandal in 1993. Perhaps Jackson had always feared something similar and therefore announced his response already in 1983:
„… Not My Lover.“
Michael Jackson, BILLIE JEAN, 1982. 17
The „investigative journalist“ in BILLIE JEAN is finally arrested by the police and is removed from the screen. But is was only a movie.
On June 28, 2009, three days after Jackson’s death, reporter Diane Dimond titled one of her articles on her website „MJ and Me“.
„MJ and Me“.
Diane Dimond, Website 28.06.2006. 18
Diane Dimond had always considered her role in the opus that bears the name Michael Jackson as too important.
Related articles:
- Dimond, Diane, A Word About Sources …, . 08.07.2009, 03.07.2017, „The End Result of Confidential Sources.“,
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „Right. Listen to this, Evan. Maureen Orth is writing this big Vanity Fair article.“ And when she went out to see Fields he said, we’re going to litigate this case hard and heavy, we’ve got nothing to hide. Now he wants a six-year stay! She’s fuckin‘ gonna see this and flip … and Diane Dimond too, you know, who’s really your closest ally.„, Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, Seite 249
- 1_note: LeMarque, Philippe und Stella, 1993/2005, The couple Phillippe and Stella LeMarque worked at Neverland for about 10 months until 1991, when they sold the headline „We saw Michael abuse child star“ to the GLOBE . Pricetag: $500,000. Paul Barresi was their middleman for the gossip magazine GLOBE. He was a full-time porn star and a part-time tabloid broker.)
- Frontline – TV Produktion, Tabloid Truth: The Michael Jackson Story, Regisseur: Thomas Lennon, Schreiber: Cramer, Richard Ben; Lennon, Thomas. 1994.02.15.,; „We practice a form of checkbook journalism – but so does everybody else in this business, almost without exception.“ When the scandal broke, they turned to their friend, Paul Barresi,a former porn star who claimed he’d once made a hundred-grand selling a story to The Enquirer. Barresi: “My interest in helping them was that they promised me a percentage of what they got. I was not on any kind of crusade to bring anyone to justice; and whether Michael was guilty or innocent at that point was inconsequential. My interest was strictly for the money. As was their interest too, I might add.“, Frontline Season 12 Episode 10 ,
- Frontline – TV Produktion, Tabloid Truth: The Michael Jackson Story , Regisseur: Thomas Lennon, Writer: Cramer, Richard Ben; Lennon, Thomas. 1994.02.15., Frontline Season 12 Episode 10,
- LeMarque, Philip und Stella, Jackson Case: D.A.’s Sleazy Witness, 2005.04.04., abgerufen 2017.03.01., the smoking gun Webseite „While it is unclear if the Lemarques ever consummated a tabloid deal, Barresi himself pulled an end-around on the couple, selling their story to the Globe after surreptitiously taping a meeting during which the pair laid out their charges against Jackson (the resulting piece was headlined „We Saw Michael Molesting Child Star“). Barresi made sure to have a photographer secretly memorialize an August 1993 chat with the Lemarques at an outdoor café (he is pictured at left with the couple).“,
- LeMarque, Philip und Stella, Jackson Case: D.A.’s Sleazy Witness, 2005.04.04., abgerufen 2017.03.01., „…In 1997, Lemarque launched Virtual Sin, a web site he operated until last year. Billed as „the most sinful site on the internet,“ Lemarque’s flagship porn offered explicit photos and videos and greeted web surfers with the words, „Welcome Beaver Hunters.“ With photo galleries devoted to „Blowjobs“ and „ANAL,“…,“
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Seite Atria Books. Kindle-Version
- Jackson, Michael, BILLIE JEAN – Album: Michael Jackson’s Thriller, 30.11.1982, EPIC Records „For forty days and forty nights/The law was on her side/But who can stand when she’s in demand/Her schemes and plans […] And be careful of what you do, ‚cause the lie becomes the truth“
- Jackson, Michael, Michael JACKSON – HIStory ON FILM – VOLUME II, DVD. 1997, DVD BILLIE JEAN. Kurzfilm. Erstveröffentlichung 1982., MJJ Ventures/Sony Music Entertainment
- Jackson, Michael, BILLIE JEAN – Album: Michael Jackson’s Thriller, 30.11.1982, EPIC Records „For forty days and forty nights/The law was on her side/But who can stand when she’s in demand/Her schemes and plans […] And be careful of what you do, ‚cause the lie becomes the truth“
- Dimond, Diane, Michael Jackson Dead at 50 – MJ and Me, 28.06.2009, 03.07.2017,;