Victor Gutierrez, Diane Dimond, „World of Wonder“ – and the big name Michael Jackson

A reporter named Victor Gutierrez misused the name Michael Jackson to fabricate entertainment for pedophiles. Victor Gutierrez was supported by journalists like Diane Dimond, by newspapers such as the german „taz“ and by a film company named „World of Wonder“. Victor Gutierrez earned his money with fake stories around the name of Michael Jackson. Victor Gutierrez dedicated his special thanks to a journalist who had „guided him through difficult times“: Diane Dimond.

Victor Gutierrez book 1995 2013 Talk Show

picture: Victor Gutierrez book was banned by court order in 1998/1999.

Victor Gutierrez glorified the physical abuse of little children by adult men as „healthy and normal“ and described the physical and psychological exploitation of children as a „fulfilling sexual relationship.“ Gutierrez declared pedophilic men to be „lovers“ and complained that society condemns them as criminals.

Pedophiles try to sell child abuse as a „romance“ in the „world of wonder“ in order to avoid legal punishment. They argue that young children should be „free in their sexual choices“ without laws regulating „such things“.1 And Gutierrez, too, ended one of his 1996 publications with the hope that pedophilia would one day be accepted by the rest of society – meaning us.

‚Desensitizing‘ with movies like „Leaving Neverland“. And the truth doesn’t matter

Child molestation is a crime and punishable by imprisonment. And because of that, pedophiles have been trying to legalize their criminal behavior since the 1970s. These people run the risk of a life behind bars. To avoid this, they find complicated ways to live out their destructive nature in public under the cover of, for example, a seemingly outraged TV-report. Among them are bogus „documentaries“ about fictitious child molestation in all its details at prime time on German TV. The only condition for broadcasting this is a big name for the ratings: Michael Jackson. The latest example: Pro7 broadcasts „Leaving Neverland,“ a four-hour entertainment show for pedophiles in which the truth doesn’t matter. A fantasy in two parts, soundtrack included. „Disgusting Stories“ were accompanied by a romantic soundtrack that the filmmakers offered for sale. After an hour at the latest, the audience is hopefully „desensitized“ – accompanied by music. In interviews for promoting the film the director Dan Reed describes those physical and psychological injuries of children as a „sexually fulfilled relationship“.

„Leaving Neverland […] is not a documentary, it makes a plea.“

Rüdiger Suchland in „Unbalanced movie about Michael Jackson“, 2019. 2

Victor Gutierrez and his court-banned book, his millions unpaid depts to Michael Jackson and his escape out of the country

Victor Gutierrez did not know Michael Jackson, but he knows NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Gutierrez supported this association. The members have tried to sell child molestation to society since the 1970s as „healthy and normal,“ as „pleasurable, consensual, beautiful.“ NAMBLA members claim that their behavior does not cause physical and emotional harm to children, instead – so they claim –  they introduce children to the „world of wonder“. In 1996 in the spirit of NAMBLA, Victor Gutierrez published a book in which he expressed his hope that pedophilia would one day no longer be prosecuted.
In 1997, Michael Jackson brought Victor Gutierrez to court. In 1998, Gutierrez’s fantasies that he had published in a book built around the name „Michael Jackson“ were confiscated by court order. In addition, the court ordered Victor Gutierrez to pay Michael Jackson $2.7 million. Gutierrez did not pay and fled the country. This court case and the final verdict has not been of much interest to the media to this day.

Victor Gutierrez promoted child abuse; Reporter Diane Dimond promoted Victor Gutierrez

Victor Gutierrez, the man who made money with his fantasies since the 1990s, portrayed himself in 2009 on the website by the company „World of Wonder“ as follows:

„Small, fat, ugly Latino, lots of lawsuits, not good in bed, reporter, needs a good female attorney or publisher.“

Victor Gutierrez 2009 posting about himself on the web site hosted by the company „World of Wonder“. 3
Victor Gutierrez Diane Dimond book Michael Jackson

picture: 1995 Reporter Diane Dimond promoted Victor Gutierrez as a „source“ of fantasies surrounding the name Michael Jackson. In her show Diane Dimond broadcasted the tale about child abuse in a shower on a fictional videotape.

In 1995 Victor Gutierrez had found what he needed: Diane Dimond a tabloid reporter.

[Diane Dimonds TV-show „Hard Copy] is one of the most aggressively shoddy and dishonest programs on the air.“ 

Harald Rosenberg, 1993 in „Forget the Facts–We Want the Story!“. 4

In 1996, Michael Jackson not only brought Victor Gutierrez to court but Diane Dimond as well.
Journalist Diane Dimond promoted Victor Gutierrez’s fantasies around videos of child molestation in a shower and around other horrible fabrications. Prior to the lawsuit brought against Victor Gutierrez by Michael Jackson, Diane Dimond presented to her audience Gutierrez with his fantasies about Jackson as a „credible“ source.

Victor Gutierrez, a dirty fantasy and allegations by a screenwriter named Evan Chandler

Victor Gutierrez had been connected to Evan Chandler since 1993. It was here in 1993 that the story from the disappointed screenwriter Evan Chandler and alleged child molestation by allegedly Michael Jackson began. It was here in 1993 that screenwriter Chandler came up with the idea for „a certain plan that isn’t just mine“.
In 1993, screenwriter Evan Chandler had hoped for a Hollywood career, a career that Michael Jackson, might have made possible for him. When Chandler didn’t get what he wanted, he threatened Jackson with a „massacre“ and demanded four screenplays worth millions. Shortly thereafter Evan Chandler and his Ex-wife June Chandler presented their 13-year-old son Jordan as a „Michael-Jackson-victim“.
Beginning in 1993, Evan Chandler misused his son for claims of alleged child abuse to negotiate music albums, screenplays and book deals. Evan Chandler made his son Jordan as the subject of a $60 million lawsuits and sold him to the tabloids. In 2005, the adult Jordan Chandler obtained a court order that stated Evan Chandler was prohibited from getting near to his son.

The traces of Victor Gutierrez can be linked not only to Evan Chandler. The traces of Victor Gutierrez and his fictions are for years linked to those who made money with fabricated stories of alleged child abuse in tabloids and American talk shows. Because there was a great name involved: Michael Jackson.

Q. Did you sell a story to the tabloid?
A. Yes, Sir […] Well, we went to a tabloid.
Q. Which one?
A. It was The Star.
Q. And you wanted money for a story, true?
A. Yes, sir. […]
Q. Do you recall speaking to a book author named Gutierrez?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And approximately when did you speak to a book author named Gutierrez?
A. I believe that was before we went to Star, and — but I don’t remember the — I don’t remember the date or the time.“

Ralph Chacon, 2005. 5

Diaries upon diaries. All secret. (Evan Chandler, Victor Gutierrez and Diane Dimond)

1996: Victor Gutierrez sells Evan Chandlers story as entertainment for pedophiles

In 1996, Victor Gutierrez sold with his book the story of the alleged child molestation claimed by Chandler. Gutierrez published his very own story about Chandler’s allegations with pedophilic content and placed Jordan Chandler in the role of „Jordy“ in the center of his fantasy around the name Michael Jackson. In doing so, Gutierrez preceded the brothers Evan and Raymond Chandler for their own book publication about Michael Jackson.
Victor Gutierrez titled his book 1995 „Michael Jackson was my lover.“ In scribbled children’s handwriting. Subtitled „The secret diary of Jordan Chandler.“ It was Gutierrez idea of having a child describing a man as a „lover“.

Picture: Victor Gutierrez’s choice for the title of his 1996 book.

In the inside of his book, Victor Gutierrez wrote about an alleged „secret diary“ from the boy Jordan Chandler. A „secret diary“ created by screenwriter Evan Chandler.

„My book is based on the diary written by Jordan and Evan Chandler …“

Victor Gutierrez, declaration 1995. 6
Gutierrez Victor Talk Show

picture: A TV-show under the pretense of journalism offered Victor Gutierrez a platform to promote his book. source

Gutierrez included his ideas in his book at the expense of the child Jordan Chandler and Michael Jackson. As recently as 2006, Gutierrez stated that he had arranged „meetings with Jordie“ in 1993.

„Thanks to the intervention of someone he will only identify as “a very good source within the house”, Gutierrez was able to arrange meetings with Jordie while the terms of the legal settlement were being hammered out.“

Victor Gutierrez 2006 in einem Interview mit dem GQ Magazin. 7

For years, Gutierrez was allowed to live out his fantasy with appearances in television shows under the pretense of providing journalism. And journalist Diane Dimond provided a place for Victor Gutierrez in her shows. In 1995 Diane Dimond had promoted the fantasies by Victor Gutierrez around alleged videos of child molestation on national TV. In 1995 Diane Dimond presented Victor Gutierrez on TV to the audience as a „credible“ source:

„The speakers on the tape include respondents Diane Dimond and Doran;  Victor Gutierrez, the “source” referred to by Diane Dimond in the earlier broadcast […].

FindLaw, For Legal Professionals, 1998. 8

With Victor Gutierrez, the Chandler Story reached its absolute low point. At one point even the Chandlers distanced themselves from Gutierrez.

„Ray Chandler said he did not endorse that book [by Gutierrez].“ Victor Gutierrez is a sleazebag,“ he said.“

Raymond Chandler, the brother of Evan Chandler in a promotional piece for his own book in 2004. 9

2005: Diane Dimond published „her“ Chandler story in another book. Diane Dimonds source: Victor Gutierrez

Journalist Diane Dimond about Victor Gutierrez:

„…one of my best sources on the Michael Jackson story … I have never had a doubt about this person, ever …“

Diane Dimond. 10

For years, Diane Dimond is known as the reporter responsible for spreading stories in the style of Victor Gutierrez about Michael Jackson. Diane Dimond’s best „source“ for her fabricated molestation reports about Michael Jackson (that only held up on TV and fell apart in court) was Victor Gutierrez.
In 2005 Diane Dimond once again sold the 1993 „Chandler Diary“ and made it as the basis for her own book. And she too, like Victor Gutierrez, used the word „love“ for the title of her book, that is supposed to be about the abuse of a child: „Be Careful Who You Love.“
However, in Diane Dimond’s version, only Evan Chandler is said to have written the „diary“.

Dr. Chandler began to write things down. He spent hours painstakingly trying to reconstruct a chronology of events. A copy of that 42-page typed document would ultimately find its way to me.“

Diane Dimond, 2005.11

Screenwriter Evan Chandler’s manuscript, which had already made him a millionaire in 1994 with his allegations against Michael Jackson, thus traveled a long road via a tabloid press named „National Enquirer“ to Victor Gutierrez, Diane Dimond and Raymond Chandler. Evan Chandler, the screenwriting dentist who wanted to make a career in Hollywood, became „Dr.“ Chandler only in Diane Dimond’s book. Dimond wanted to make Chandler seem more respectable.

More about Diane Dimonds book, the Chandler-story and her allegations against Michael Jackson in the following article:

So screenwriter Evan Chandler’s manuscript traveled a long way via the tabloid press named „National Enquirer“ in 1993, via Victor Gutierrez to Diane Dimond in 2005.

Victor Gutierrez and his „friend“ journalist Diane Dimond, who had „guided him through difficult times“

picture: Victor Gutierrez gratitude for Diane Dimond’s friendship and guidance source

„I also want to thank journalists and friends Lydia Boyle and Diane Dimond for trusting in me and guiding me through difficult times.“

Victor Gutierrez in his book about reporter Diane Dimond, 1996.

In 1995, reporter Diane Dimond tried to „entertain“ her audience with fictitious videotapes of imaginary child molestation. Breathlessly she used the name of Michael Jackson in her moderation, as well as his underage nephew, the son of his brother Jermaine. In court it turned out once again that Diane Dimonds „evidence“ video never existed. And Diane Dimond once again referred to Victor Gutierrez as her „source“ for her story.

1996 Michael Jackson brought Victor Gutierrez and Diane Dimond to court; Gutierrez flees conviction

In 1996, Michael Jackson sued Victor Gutierrez for defamation. In the course of this trial, the court with a jury of twelve swiftly reached the decision that Victor Gutierrez fantasy book with the pedophilic content should be removed from the market via court order. The court also shared Michael Jackson’s opinion on the remaining issues and reached a verdict against Victor Gutierrez. The court ordered Victor Gutierrez to pay compensatory damages. Gutierrez had already fled the country in panic before the verdict was announced. „Reporter“ Victor Gutierrez left behind a mountain of debts after his escape. Gutierrez filed for bankruptcy and never paid his millions depts to Michael Jackson. 12

Why did Evan Chandler have contact with Victor Gutierrez in the first place?

In his lawsuit against Victor Gutierrez and Diane Dimond from 1996 to 1998 Michael Jackson also called Evan and Jordan Chandler into account. Michael Jackson’s lawyers not only brought to public attention how Evan Chandler had been marketing his accusations against Jackson since 1993 but also Chandlers collaboration with Victor Gutierrez.13 But for what purposes would the father Evan Chandler, who sued Michael Jackson 1993 for millions of dollars in a civil lawsuit alleging child molestation, use the cooperation of a pedophile fantasist? Was Victor Gutierrez the source from which Evan Chandler got his ideas? Did Victor Gutierrez generate ideas for Evan Chandler’s attorney Larry Feldman?
Larry Feldman was the attorney who brought 1993 the civil suit against Michael Jackson to force him into a million-dollar payment. Larry Feldman pressured Michael Jackson by creating written documents with (quote!) „unbelievable details“, really „exquisite“ to „the smallest detail“. Written statements with allegations against entertainer Michael Jackson which Larry Feldman published via tabloids in order to force Jackson to settle the civil case. Which fantasies created by Victor Gutierrez did Evan Chandler exploit for his own story extorting Michael Jackson for millions?
Twice, in 1993 and 2003, law enforcement agencies tried to prove accusations of child molestation against Michael Jackson. For years, no evidence was found to support the accusations against Michael Jackson who was finally acquitted of all charges in 2005. What remains are the fantasies from the Chandlers, Victor Gutierrez, Diane Dimond and all those other people with monetary interests.

Victor Gutierrez. A look back (and a look into the future?) at the „World of Wonder“

Victor Gutierrez liked to contact authorities and pretended to be an informant for important things. Every authority has to deal with such people who keep coming forward and whose names soon become a joke. Gutierrez liked to fantasize about „clues“ about Michael Jackson. In doing so, he bothered the police, F.B.I. and prosecutors. In the end, Victor Gutierrez bragged about „his contacts“ with the agencies. Gutierrez marketed himself as a kind of „undercover agent“ on a secret mission.

picture: FBI-Memo about des call from Victor Gutierrez 1993. 14

To: SAC [Special agent in charge], Los Angeles (62D-LA-162715) (P)/From: SA [Special agent]/ On December 27, 1993, writer received a telephone call from [ ] Los Angeles Police Department Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEOC). He advised that he had been contacted [by ] has been writing a book about Michael Jackson concerning allegations of sexual molestations of children. [ ] advised that [ ] told [ ] that he had information that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1985 or 1986, investigated allegations against Jackson for reportedly molesting two Mexican boys. Reporter further advised that the Los Angeles FBI Special Agent who investigated the incident was an Hispanic Agent. The SAC, who [ ] referred to as the one was Mormon, did not pursue the allegations because Jackson was to receive an honor at the White House from the President. According to [ ] the investigation was covered up. [ ] advised he was providing this information to writer in the event inquiries were received by the FBI Los Angeles Office. Writer searched indices, both manual and automated for any reference to above mentioned investigation. No references were found.“

FBI memo 1993.12.28. 15

1995 Victor Gutierrez sells his fantasies to tabloids via Diane Dimond

Victor Gutierrez’s stories, like the one about „secret videotapes“ allegedly featuring Michael Jackson, were bought by the tabloid press. Literally. TV shows with reporters like Diane Dimond made headlines out of the stuff that even Gutierrez described as „B.S.“ With „B.S.“ about alleged child molestation make reporters like Diane Dimond their money.

„Gutierrez smiled and said „Well, you know how that is. You know how these things are.“


In 1994 even the tabloid press „National Enquirer“ refused when they were offered alleged police snapshots of Michael Jacksons private parts. Victor Gutierrez name came up as part of that deal. The starting bid? Three million. Cash. 17

In 2004 Victor Gutierrez sells his fantasies to american TV-channels

In 2004, the American TV-station NBC hired Victor Gutierrez as a „consultant“ and enriched the quality of their reporting about Michael Jackson. Gutierrez salary is said to have been somewhere around $20,000.

In 2005 the German newspaper „taz“ offers Gutierrez a warm welcome

In 2005 Victor Gutierrez was welcomed with open arms by the German daily newspaper „taz“. Writer Henning Kober arranged a stage for Gutierrez’s pro-pedophile stories. Victor Gutierrez did not present his conviction in court truthfully but embellished it with the tale of an „undercover reporter“. In that interview with the newspaper „taz“, Gutierrez created out of his conviction and his escape from authorities a mixture of Watergate, Snowden and Munchhausen. 18 Henning Kober and the „taz“ appeared clearly pedophile-friendly with their article about „Jordie“ Chandler and titled the report „Es War Liebe“ („It was love“) in the spirit of NAMBLA. The newspaper „Der Spiegel“ stated that the daily newspaper „taz“ had already provided a forum for pedophiles like no other newspaper in the mid-1980s. 19
Henning Kober also worked for the newspaper „Vanity Fair“.

In 2006 film production „World of Wonder“ („Dancing Queen“) wants to turn Victor Gutierrez pedophile fantasies into a movie

In 2006 Victor Gutierrez told the newspaper „GQ“ that he hoped to turn the „love story“ around „Jordie – the boy“ into a movie. 20 Victor Gutierrez also hoped to present his very own fantasy version on screen. About the sexual abuse of a child. With all the graphic, never-before-seen details. A crime that Victor Gutierrez described as a „fulfilling sexual relationship.“

Gutierrez Diagram
Victor Gutierrez and his connections over the years

In 2006, the production company „World of Wonder“ was interested in Victor Gutierrez’s stories. Company owners Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato reportedly own the film rights to the Gutierrez judicially prohibited writings:

„We wanted to capture the intoxicating feeling of the first love which was what it was for Jordie, says Bailey.“ 

Fenton Bailey about Victor Gutierrez story about Jordan Chandler from 1995. 21

But Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato from the company „World of Wonder“ had a problem with the „nervous audience“. In other words, the audience’s lack of acceptance of pedophilia. It’s a problem that NAMBLA has been trying to address strategically for decades. A „nervous audience“ consisting of mothers, fathers and, above all, children, must be desensitized until a certain effect of acceptance occurs, thus opening the way for pedophile content of any kind. The website of „World of Wonder“ filmmakers Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato screams sex. So do their films: „101 Rent Boys“ is among their cinematic works, a „great“ (quote) film adaptation about children forced into prostitution. „Very graphic.“ Including instructions on how a prostituted boy should dress, act, think, eat, walk, and flirt. See link to IMDB: 22

2005 „World of Wonder“ produces the film „Camp Michael Jackson“ as a victory for pedophilia

In 2005, „World of Wonder“ produced a „documentary“ about the court case in which Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation and acquitted of all charges on June 13, 2005. In their world, filmmakers Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato celebrated this acquittal as a „victory“ for pedophilia. They celebrated the hope for making pedophilia legal.
NAMBLA members had abused Michael Jackson throughout his life: they abused him in their fantasies when he was a twelve-year-old on stage, then they abused him as an adult for their own purposes. 23
„World of Wonder“ used the film „Camp Michael Jackson“ to twist Michael Jackson’s acquittal in 2005 as a victory for pedophilia. And a first step to desensitize a „nervous“ audience of mothers and children. But they ignore their real problem with the verdict: Any sexual contact with minors Michael Jackson was accused of was found to be nonexistent in court. 

2009 „World of Wonder“ congratulates Victor Gutierrez: „Give Jordie a big old sloppy kiss from me…“

On Aug. 11, 2009, „World of Wonder“ congratulates Victor Gutierrez in an article on their website for his birthday. They promoted Victor Gutierrez court-banned book from 1995.

picture: „World of Wonder“ Website about Victor Gutierrez in 2009.

„But it’s a helluva read and Victor is a helluvan investigator. So happy birthday to you, Victor Gutierrez! (And PS: give Jordie a big old sloppy kiss from me if you see him!)“

„World of Wonder“ staff to Victor Gutierrez in 2009. 24

Victor Gutierrez had his book about the child Jordan Chandler and Michael Jackson placed on a list maintained by NAMBLA. This association recommends „literature“ for pedophiles. In the preface of his book, Victor Gutierrez gave special thanks to NAMBLA. 25

2013 „World of Wonder“ produced with Oprah Winfrey and LaToya Jackson who gets a hug from Gutierrez

In 2013 the company „World of Wonder“ produced a „reality show“ with LaToya Jackson, Michael Jackson’s sister. Title: „La-La-La Life with LaToya“. 26, 27 The show was part of the Oprah Winfrey Network „OWN“. During the production, Victor Gutierrez manages to hug LaToya Jackson and published the footage of it on the internet.

2018 „World of Wonder“ produces on NETFLIX „Dancing Queen“

Since 2018, filmmakers Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato have produced the TV-series „Dancing Queen“ with their company „World of Wonder“. In this TV series, countless children appear. The cinematic work of the „World of Wonder“ company is a collection of images from children’s bodies in ballet dresses, all of whom, with the consent of their mothers, want only one thing: the favor of a man who will train them. Presented on NETFLIX. Status: 2019. The link to the trailer on YouTube. Interesting are the negative comments under the video.

2019: Victor Gutierrez, „Leaving Neverland“ promoted by „World of Wonder“ and Diane Dimond. And a satisfied „NAMBLA“ since 1993

In March 2019, the American broadcaster HBO released a movie by director Dan Reed in which the two adult men Wade Robson and James Safechuck literally spend four hours indulging in detailed narratives about their alleged childhood „sex“ with an adult man. For hours, the worldwide TV audience is bombarded with details about child molestation, described by both men on camera as a „romance“ and „love affair.“ Details no one needs to know. Accompanied by piano music. Tinted in soft sepia light. In the cozy atmosphere of a studio living room. Four hours of pedophilic fantasies – what society describes as child molestation – and the once „nervous“ audience is finally desensitized. Four hours of fantasies that society describes as crimes against children, and the once „nervous“ audience is finally desensitized. Hours that, in their ugly details, bring to mind the court-banned texts by Victor Gutierrez.

Victor Gutierrez concluded his 1995 book with the following words, which still have validity over films like „Leaving Neverland“:

picture from Victor Gutierrez book: „NAMBLA is pleased …“ Quelle:

„NAMBLA is pleased that the topic of pedophilia has attracted so much attention through such a famous personage as Michael Jackson“.“

Victor Gutierrez. 28

Dan Reed is the director who had hour after hour of alleged child abuse depicted in great detail by two adult men. Dan Reed published these details about alleged child molestation under the name „Leaving Neverland“. A movie. Reed accompanied the unbearable descriptions with an atmospheric soundtrack. The producers sell the soundtrack on CD. In all seriousness. Reed’s production is centered around a famous name for the sake of ratings and money: Michael Jackson. Dan Reed on his promotional tour for his pedophile entertainment wanted to present his piece of work to us as:

„a fulfilling sexual and emotional relationship at the age of 7 with a 30-year-old man … because he enjoyed it … and the sex was pleasant.“

Director Dan Reed 2019. 29
Victor Gutierrez source of Diane Dimond and the title of his court banned book 1995

Dan Reed, who presents a 7-year-old as a „lover.“ Dan Reed, when directing his piece „Leaving Neverland“ emphasizes in describing alleged victims of child abuse as „lovers“. How familiar sound these codeword-like descriptions in 2019 which only a pedophile could come up with? Did Dan Reed produce entertainment for pedophiles in 2019 with his film „Leaving Neverland“ under the cover of „outrage“?

A seemingly outraged film producer Fenton Bailey from the „World of Wonder“ company promoted Victor Gutierrez and „Leaving Neverland“ 2019 on his company’s website:

„Read the book Michael Jackson Was My Lover by Victor Gutierrez, based on Jordie Chandler’s own account of his relationship with Michael Jackson from the early 90’s. It is explicit, clear-eyed and mirrors so many of the details in this documentary [note: „Leaving Neverland“]. And yet no publisher would touch the book. So Victor [Gutierrez] self-published it. We optioned it and wrote a script. No takers.“

Fenton Bailey, „World of Wonder“ founder about Dan Reeds „Leaving Neverland“ 2019. 30

This 2019 seemingly outraged Fenton Bailey, who as recently as 2006 propagated Victor Gutierrez pedophile fantasy with the following words:

„We wanted to capture the intoxicating feeling of first love, which was what this was for Jordie,“ says Bailey. […] the presentation of Jordie as a willing even eager, participant in a relationship with a man […] The fact that he might have entered into the relationship […] of his own volition is, for many people, tremendously problematic.“

Fenton Bailey, „World of Wonder“ founder 2006 about his planned movie about Victor Gutierrez court-banned book. 31

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Home » PaRt of History. Beiträge » PaRt of History: Michael Jackson Allegations » Victor Gutierrez, Diane Dimond, „World of Wonder“ – and the big name Michael Jackson


  1. Reeves, Tom, NAMBLA Recollections: A Few Regrets, Much to Be Proud of; 20th Anniversary edition, NAMBLA Bulletin, October 1999, Issue 20.2, 1999, abgerufen 2019.09.24., „For me as an anarchist, the state has nothing to do with such ethical things, at least it shouldn’t have, sexual and ethical decisions should be free decisions. People must decide freely for themselves, and that applies to everyone, children as well as adults. Otherwise we can never be genuine individuals. That’s why there shouldn’t be any laws about such things“,
  2. Unausgewogener Film über Michael Jackson: „Leaving Neverland“ zu Missbrauchsvorwürfen, Kritik von Rüdiger Suchland unter,article-swr-11002.html
  3. Saban, Stefan, Victor Gutierrez, 2005.03.08., abgerufen 2017.05.05., „1. Describe yourself as if you were writing a personals ad. Small, fat, ugly Latino, lots of lawsuits, not good in bed, reporter, needs a good female attorney or publisher.“,
  4. Rosenberg, Harald, Forget the Facts–We Want the Story! : Media: Allegations surrounding Michael Jackson set off a whirlwind of tabloidesque reports from dubious and so-called legitimate news sources alike., 1993.08.27., „The defining volley arguably came Wednesday when „CBS News This Morning“ anchor Paula Zahn was called upon to seek the real scoop about the ALLEGED scandal from Diane Dimond, star reporter of dubious distinction for the syndicated „Hard Copy.“ That’s right, the CBS News source list is now headed by one of the most aggressively shoddy and dishonest programs on the air.“, LA TIMES,
  5. Chacon, Ralph, Questioned in court by Thomas Mesereau, Defense attorney in the trial against Michael Jackson in 2003 until his acquittal in 2005, 2005.04.07.,
  6. Gutierrez, Victor, Lawsuit Jackson, Michael versus Diane Dimond and Victor Gutierrez, 1997.09.05., abgerufen 2017.07.07. via Tia ‏@tinklove05 on 2. Apr. 2014; Declaration Gutierrez 05.09.1995. „My book is based on the diary written by Jordan and Evan Chandler …“,
  7. Gutierrez, Victor, 2006.09., “Thanks to the intervention of someone he will only identify as “a very good source within the house”, Gutierrez was able to arrange meetings with Jordie while the terms of the legal settlement were being hammered out. He obtained a copy of a diary, as well as legal papers. In many cases, these were supplied by the police, who started referring back to Gutierrez’s original manuscript after the Chandlers had come forward with their allegations in August 1993”, GQ Magazine,
  8. FindLaw, For Legal Professionals, JACKSON v. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION – Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 4, California – Michael JACKSON, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION et al., Defendants and Respondents. No. B114354.- Decided: October 28, 1998, CURRY, Associate Justice.; CHARLES S. VOGEL, P.J., and EPSTEIN, J., concur. , retrieved 2017.05.10.: „The speakers on the tape include respondents Diane Dimond and Doran;  Victor Gutierrez, the “source” referred to by Diane Dimond in the earlier broadcast;  Barry Nolan, an anchorperson for “Hard Copy”;  and Kevin Smith, a reporter, who was also seeking to track down the alleged videotape or obtain information about it. After the KABC-AM broadcast and before the “Hard Copy” segment was aired, appellant’s attorney, Howard Weitzman, sent a letter to Paramount Pictures, stating in part: “I learned earlier today that Diane Dimond, one of Paramount’s Hard Copy reporters, was on KABC talk radio this morning and indicated that an untrue and defamatory story about an alleged videotape depicting Michael Jackson engaging in sexual relations with a minor was true, and that she believed such a tape existed. I understand that Ms. Dimond also made claims that the Los Angeles and/or Santa Barbara District Attorneys‘ offices are reopening their criminal investigation of Mr. Jackson, based on the purported existence of this videotape. Please be informed that Ms. Dimond’s claims regarding the existence of such a videotape are untrue and defamatory, as are her claims regarding the reopening of any criminal investigation concerning Mr. Jackson.”,
  9. FOX, 2004.09.08., Jacko: Accuser’s Uncle to Publish Exposé, „With Jackson facing a January 2005 trial on charges of child molestation, Chandler’s book should cause a firestorm. For one thing, it validates much in a previously published book by Victor Gutierrez — banned in the U.S. — that chronicled Jackson’s relationships with several children, including Chandler’s nephew. But Ray Chandler said he did not endorse that book.“ Victor Gutierrez is a sleazebag,“ he said.“,2933,131615,00.html via,2933,131615,00.html
  10. FindLaw, For Legal Professionals, JACKSON v. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION – Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 4, California – Michael JACKSON, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION et al., Defendants and Respondents. No. B114354.– Decided: October 28, 1998, CURRY, Associate Justice.; CHARLES S. VOGEL, P.J., and EPSTEIN, J., concur. , retrieved 2017.05.10.: „Q: „It’s what? Michael Jackson and little boy. Are you 100% sure that this tape exists?” Diane Dimond:  “I am as sure as I can possibly be.” Q:“You have not seen it?” Diane Dimond:  “I have not seen it but one of my best sources on the Michael Jackson story has seen it.” Q: “Who you have no doubts about.” Diane Dimond:  “I have never had a doubt about this person, ever “,
  11. Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., Atria Books. Kindle-Version, page 44-45
  12. Three Stooges (Dimond, Gutierrez, and Allen), 2014.04.24., abgerufen 2017.02.06.,
  13., Three Stooges (Dimond, Gutierrez, and Allen), Paula. 2014.04.24., retrieved 2017.02.06.,
  14. The FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF IVESTIGATION – FBI Records: The Vault- Michael Jackson Part 03 of 07, 1993.12.28.
  15. The FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF IVESTIGATION – FBI Records: The Vault- Michael Jackson Part 03 of 07,  1993.12.28., To: SAC [Special agent in charge], Los Angeles (62D-LA-162715) (P)/From: SA [Special agent]/ On December 27, 1993“,
  16. Lawsuit Michael J. Jackson v. Diane Dimond et al. and Victor Gutierrez, Case Nr. 119778, Superior Court Los Angeles, 1997.10.16., Sworn testimony of Eric Mason in aforementioned trial.
  17. Frontline – TV Production, Tabloid Truth: The Michael Jackson Story (TV-Production), Regisseur: Thomas Lennon, Schreiber: Cramer, Richard Ben; Lennon, Thomas. 1994.02.15.,; Frontline Season 12 Episode 10 ,
  18. Kober, Henning, „Es war Liebe!/“ Es ist kosmisch!“ 2005.04.05./06., 2017.04.12.,!629753/
  19. Spiegel Online, The Sexual Revolution and Children How the Left Took Things Too Far, Jan Fleischhauer and Wiebke Hollersen. 2010, 2019.07.30.: „During this time, no other newspaper offered pedophiles quite as much a forum as the alternative, left-leaning Tageszeitung, which shows how socially acceptable this violation of taboos had become in the leftist community. In several series, including one titled „I Love Boys,“ and in lengthy interviews, men were given the opportunity to describe how beautiful and liberating sex with preadolescent boys supposedly was. „There was a great deal of uncertainty as to how far people could go,“ says Gitti Hentschel, the co-founder and, from 1979 to 1985, editor of Tageszeitung. Those who, like Hentschel, were openly opposed to promoting pedophilia were described as „prudish“ — as opposed to freedom of expression. „There is no such thing as censorship in the Tageszeitung,“ was the response.“ Spiegel Online, via und dort 
  20. GQ Magazine, 2006.09., abgerufen 2017.02.03., GQ Magazine,
  21. GQ Magazine, 2006.09., abgerufen 2017.02.03.: “We wanted to capture the intoxicating feeling of the first love which was what it was for Jordie, says Bailey.“, GQ Magazine,
  22. 101 Rent Boys (2000),
  23. Tazelaar, Eric, Remembering Michael Jackson, 2013, 2019.08.01.,
  24., „Happy Birthday, Victor Gutierrez!, By WOW Staff, 2009.08.11., retrieved 2017.02.23.,
  25. tinklove05@twitter, Letter from Rodney Allen about Victor Gutierrez, 2014.03.28., retrieved 2019.07.30: „I never forgot when Victor faxed me a letter he made for Nambla. I sent the hard copied to Nambla asking them to list the book Michael Jackson was my lover on their books.“, Source,
  26. Winfrey, Oprah, La-La-La Life with LaToya,
  27. World of Wonder, La-La-La Life with LaToya, 2017.09.03.,
  28. Gutierrez, Victor, „Michael Jackson was my lover“, page 210 via
  29. Reed, Dan, ‘Leaving Neverland’ director talks Michael Jackson sexual abuse accusations and potential fallout , Kaufman, Amy. 2019.01.25, abgerufen: 2019.08.24., „This is difficult to say, but he had a fulfilling sexual and emotional relationship at the age of 7 with a 30-year-old man who happened to be the King of Pop. And because he enjoyed it, he loved Michael, and the sex was pleasant. “, Los Angeles Times,
  30. WOW Co-Founder, Fenton Bailey, on Michael Jackson, Trump & Our United States of Delusion, Trey Speegle. 2019.03.04., 2019.09.24.,The WOW Report; World of Wonder Productions, Inc., worldofwonder_net/wow-co-founder-fenton-bailey-on-michael-jackson-trump-our-united-states-of-delusion/
  31. Fenton Bailey, GQ Magazine 2006.09., abgerufen 2017.02.03., „Despite the explosive nature of the events it describes, the script is actually a model of amorous propriety. „We wanted to capture the intoxicating feeling of first love, which was what this was for Jordie,“ says Bailey. „We are trying to show that there are many more elements at play here,“ he continues. „This is really Jordie’s movie. It’s about how he was betrayed by his parents and how he felt he was preyed on by all of the adult trust figures in his life.“ Central to the film, and the most controversial element in it, is the presentation of Jordie as a willing even eager, participant in a relationship with a man he had worshipped since the age of four.“ The only way the general public can view somebody like Jordie is as a victim.“ says Baily, „The fact that he might have entered into the relationship with Michael Jackson of his own volition is, for many people, tremendously problematic.“,

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