The story so far: In 1993, screenwriter Evan Chandler had hoped for a Hollywood career, a career that Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, might have made possible for him. When Chandler didn’t get what he wanted, he threatened Jackson with a „massacre“ and demanded four screenplays worth millions.
More about this in previous articles:
I. The allegations against Michael Jackson? A Scandal.
II. June Chandler: „Hey, maybe you’ll marry Michael?“
Did Evan Chandler feel abandoned by Michael Jackson?
On July 8, 1993, Evan Chandler, advised by his attorney Rothman, had a telephone conversation with Dave Schwartz (the soon-to-be ex-husband of Evan Chandler’s ex-wife June Chandler). The recordings of those tapes ended up at press conferences, on talk shows, and eventually on YouTube. In 2004, the Chandlers sold the transcript of that phone call and additional attorney correspondence about their allegations against Michael Jackson on the Internet.
In 1993, Chandler had made the phone call to Schwartz after realizing that Michael Jackson was no longer available to him, after seeing his dreams of a job in Jackson’s empire shattered and collaborative scripts with the superstar fading into the far distance. In that phone call, which was more like an Evan Chandler monologue, Evan threatened with „a certain plan that isn’t just mine.“ Evan announced, „If I go through with this, I win big time.“
On July 8, 1993, Chandler made it clear that he demanded the King of Pop’s attention and contributions.
Chandler focused throughout his talk on: Evan Chandler.
And in the case Evan would not get what Evan wanted, he announced in advance the end of Michael Jackson’s career by phone:
„It could be a massacre if I don’t get what I want. […] There are other people involved that are waiting for my phone call that are intentionally going to be in certain positions — I paid them to do it. They’re doing their job. […] My instructions were to kill and destroy [tape irregularity], I’m telling you. I mean, and by killing and destroying, I’m going to torture them […] Because that’s what June has done to me. She has tortured me. […] — look at her behavior, I’m just saying that June is a brilliant and pathologic personality. […] What you see on the surface ain’t even remotely related to what’s really going on underneath.[…] And I believe that that will come out in lie detector [tape irregularity] psychological evaluations […] which they’re all gonna have to do. […]„I have nothing to gain by talking. If I go through with this, I win big time. There’s no way that I lose. I’ve checked that out inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be totally — they will be destroyed forever. They will be destroyed […] I didn’t threaten him [Jackson] physically. I didn’t say I was going to kill them. Michael can show up with all his bodyguards with guns and surround me if he wants to. […] I’m not killing anybody tomorrow. It’s not the next step. His death is not the next (inaudible) […] there’s no other way to get ahold of them.“
Evan Chandler in an obviously manic phase. 1, 2
A note: In 2004, the brothers Evan and Raymond Chandler market their book around the „massacre“ about Michael Jackson from 1993. Chandler actually named the first chapter of his book „Part One – The Tangled Web“. This term comes from a quote by Sir Walter Scott („Marmion“ 1808), which reads as follows:
„Oh what a tangled web we weave
when first we practice to deceive„
In other words: when you lie you are creating a complicated web of lies which run out of control. What an appropriate quote for Evan Chandler’s staging had his own book publisher and ghostwriter chosen in 2004. 3. What irony there is in the choice of this headline for Evan Chandler’s 1993 actions ….
Evan Chandler put the focus in his claims against Michael Jackson on: Evan Chandler
In July 1993 Chandler made his phone call immediately after working out a „certain plan“ with his lawyer Rothman, whom he described as „the nastiest son of a bitch“. 4, 5. In the phone call transcript, Evan casually mentioned that he was concerned about his 13-year-old son, Jordan, but in his monologue, the scriptwriting dentist prioritized from 6029 recorded words as follows:
„I“ Chandler stated 1299-times.
„Me“ Chandler stated 300-times.
Chandler, who later portrays himself as a concerned father, mentions son „Jordie“ only 83-times.
At this point, the word „money“ already comes to Chandler’s mind 20-times.
„He really thought he had a hold on me.“
Michael Jackson singing about that in THIS TIME AROUND from 1995. 6

Since 1993, Evan Chandler portrayed himself as a concerned father, but in his phone call with Dave Schwarz, Evan Chandler put the focus on: Evan Chandler
In his phone call to Dave Schwartz, Evan Chandler demanded a meeting with Michael Jackson. Chandler announced that in this meeting he would formulate his demands against Jackson more precisely. However, Chandler did not even hint at why Jackson should have listened to his demands in the first place. He left the interpretation of his threats to others:
„I have the evidence […] you’ll see it on the big fucking screen […] You’ll hear it on tape recordings.“
Evan Chandler, 1993. 7
Since July 1993, those involved have been allowed to speculate as to with what Chandler was actually threatening. He left Dave Schwartz bewildered as well. This had the advantage that Evan Chandler could not be held responsible for any form of blackmail or threat. What he actually accused Michael Jackson of, he also did not reveal to the perplexed Schwartz. From a criminal law point of view, Chandler was thus secured. After all, Evan had an experienced lawyer specializing in entertainment libel suits.
„MR. CHANDLER: Let me put it to you this way: I have a set routine of words that I’m going to go in there that have been rehearsed and I’m going to say.“
taped phone cal Evan Chandler to Dave Schwartz July 8th1993. 8
„MR. CHANDLER: Okay? Because I don’t want to say anything that could be used against me.“
What exactly did Evan Chandler actually have to fear that could be used against him? The truth?
Can Chandler’s threats over the phone be found in Jackson’s 1995 song THIS TIME AROUND?
In all civil court cases Evan Chandler brought against Michael Jackson to demand money, he never provided evidence of anything. As much as Chandler and his army of lawyers would have liked to operate with it against Jackson. Three decades and several raids later, no „evidence“ of anything against Jackson has ever surfaced, so Chandler’s threat on the phone must have been a bluff. Chandler’s implied subtle threats directed at Jackson via Dave Schwartz, based on the assumption that Jackson would immediately receive the recordings of the phone call. (Jackson, respectively Jackson’s lawyer Bert Fields, had hired private investigator Anthony Pellicano, who can be found on Wikipedia under the keyword „wiretapping“).
MR. CHANDLER: What’s that beeping going on? Do you hear that?
MR. CHANDLER: Are you recording this?
MR. CHANDLER: Do you hear the beeping?
MR. CHANDLER: Well, let’s hang up.
In 1993, only hours later, they actually played the recording of this phone call to Michael Jackson. „Tell him Michael Jackson said he can go to hell“, Michael Jackson is said to have said about it. 9
In 1995, Michael Jackson shares with us his further thoughts on the subject in a song:
„He really thought he had a hold on me.“
Michael Jackson in THIS TIME AROUND, Album HIStory from 1995. 10
In the song, Jackson played to us a taped voice on the phone.
„Dr.“ Chandler’s special treatment and Jackson’s very last Dr. Murray
But with what actually threatened Evan Chandler in July 1993? What follows here is pure speculation, but perhaps Chandler threatened with footage of Michael Jackson drugged up on painkillers at Evans‘ home? Was Chandler threatening to release footage or pictures to the media that showed an „uninhibited“ Jackson that Evan had decided to „take advantage of“? When dentist Chandler („Dentist to the Stars“) in his own home had administered drugs to Michael Jackson in early 1993, resulting in Jackson being overdosed, Chandler risked criminal proceedings. After Chandler’s threats, Jackson may have been left to speculate whether Chandler had taken pictures or footage in this overdosed state. Footage that would have reached top prices in the media. Evan threatened alleged „evidence“ that would have been „‚on the big fucking screen'“ or „on audiotape“. But Chandler had tried for years to demand money from Jackson. Never had he been able to produce his „evidence“. In this respect, a foreshadowing to the year 2009: recordings of this type have always turned out to be profitable in the media world around the superstar. Jackson’s truly very last doctor, named Conrad Murray, has been responsible for the death of his patient since 2009. Before it happened, however, Murray actually recorded his medicated patient’s slurring speech on his cell phone. 11. Why did Murray press the record button after putting his famous patient into unconsciousness? Maybe Murray wanted to blackmail the King of Pop with these recordings in 2009.
Evan Chandler vs. Michael Jackson: „With a plan that’s not just mine“ and the „Million Dollar Kid“
Evan Chandler in 1993, despite having threatened Michael Jackson, had a problem with the King of Pop: Jackson still did not satisfy Evan’s demands for million-dollar screenplays. Chandler, however, wanted the „win bigtime“ he had announced, and continued with what he later called in his own book „act one: the tangled web“: Chandler literally staged a „tangled web“ around his thirteen-year-old son, Jordan Chandler. Jordan would from now on and for all time go down in tabloid history as „Jordie the boy“ under the keyword „child abuse“. His own father and his entertainment lawyer Rothman made sure of that.
But it wasn’t all that easy for Evan Chandler, because Jordan Chandler reportedly responded to his own father’s repeated advances – „Hey, Jordie, you and Michael doin‘ it?“ – by calling Chandler’s phrasing „disgusting.“ 12
Jordan, his little half-sister Lily (who by the way got Jackson’s full attention) and his mother June – minus former husbands – were among those families Michael Jackson invited to Never- and Disneyland, to Siegfried & Roy, to David Copperfield, Cirque du Soleil and for the second part of his DANGEROUS world tour scheduled for August 1993. Evan had been excluded from all these pleasures and in the end he was forced to impose a future Hollywood collaboration with the King of Pop only under the threat of a „massacre“. There was not much time left, because Michael Jackson was about to leave for his world tour and June Chandler was invited to accompany him with Jordan and Lily. 13
And here’s how Evan Chandler in his „tangled web“ is said to have exercised his influence over his thirteen-year-old son:
„Evan went on the attack.
„Have a seat and listen very carefully to what I’m about to say. Do you remember when […] I told you that if you lied to me I was going to destroy Michael?“
Jordie nodded that he did.
„Good. Keep that in mind, because I’m going to ask you a question. Do you care about Michael?“
„Yes“, the boy answered.
„You could say you love him, right?“
„And you wouldn’t want to hurt him?“
„No.“ […]
The boy remained silent, seemingly unimpressed by his father’s strong-arm approach. Sensing this, Evan quickly changed tack. […]
After ten minutes of meandering monologue Evan had elicited nothing from his son but a blank stare. Frustrated, he switched back to his original approach.
„I’m going to give you one last chance to save Michael. If you lie to me, then I’m going to take him down in front of the whole world, and it’ll be all your fault because you’re the one person who could have saved him.“ […]
Of all things, Chandler sold his book in 2004 with this quote: „Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive“ …
For further execution of Chandler’s „plan“ his lawyer Rothman (remember, the „worst son of a bitch“) asked by phone for a obligatory information from psychologist Mathis Abrams on July 14, 1993. As basis for this obligatory information, Rothman presented the psychologist an anonymous scenario between an anonymous 13-year-old and an anonymous „20 years older“. The psychologist’s two-page obligatory information was covered with a collection of laws which would be violated if there were „reasonable suspicion would exist that sexual abuse may have occurred“. 15
That’s the pure hypothesis. Based on the submission from entertainment attorney Rothman.
Evan Chandler and his lawyer Rothman, however, still had the problem that son Jordan still did not give in to his father’s insistence and refused to confirm to him that sexual abuse might have taken place.

To promote the sale of their book in 2004, the brothers Evan and Raymond Chandler sold on her website a copy of that obligatory information – requested in July 1993 by phone from Chandler’s lawyer Rothman. This letter was offered for sale by the Chandler brothers on their website
For $4.95.
Is selling such letters a behavior one would expect from a father?
It is not ruled out that by this time in 1993 Evan Chandler may have already received additional guidance: from Victor Gutierrez, whose fantasies in again another book about „Jordie, the boy“ were only taken out of circulation in 1996 by a court of law. Gutierrez, who has been trying to legalize pedophilia for decades in his very own agenda.
After sedating Michael Jackson, Evan Chandler sedates his son Jordan: „Trust in me, put all your trust in me…“
On July 16, 1993, dentist Evan allegedly used drugs again and, of all things, in the midst of his preparations for his „massacre,“ had extracted a baby tooth from his thirteen-year-old son. Allegedly in the course of a dental procedure and in the presence of an anesthesiologist. During the dental procedure, Chandler allegedly administered a drug to his child that allowed him to influence the boy’s consciousness and will. Similar to hypnosis. Evan is said to have been assisted again by anesthesiologist Mark Torbiner. And straight after this anesthetic procedure, Papa Chandler allegedly asked his son Jordan the 15-million-dollar question: „Did Michael touch your penis?“ Hesitantly, almost inaudibly, the child who had just been unconscious in the dentist’s chair is said to have whispered, „Yes.“
Under hypnosis, so to speak, Evan Chandler’s first step was made in what he would describe in 2004 as a „highly profitable payment.“ 16
„We never talked about it again.“
Also Evan Chandler about his son’s answer in a statement to a prosecutor. 17
And Chandler also claims to have learned the details about the alleged sexual abuse of his own child only a month and a half later. From a television program in the tabloid press. 18 So much for the credibility of Chandler’s story and all those involved in marketing it. From a legal point of view, however, in this way Evan Chandler would have taken precautions to avoid testifying in court. After all, he supposedly „never talked about it again with his son.“ (A behavior, that would be unbelievable for an actually concerned father). But Chandler, after all, had a lawyer and „a plan“ that wasn’t just his. (In 2003 Prosecutor Sneddon offers the public a startlingly similar legal situation in his indictment of Jackson: Sneddon’s alleged witness named Star also allegedly never told any adult a word about what allegedly took place.) In this way, Evan Chandler and attorney Rothman did not need to fear the risk of cross-examination under oath with this version of the story.

To promote the sale of their book in 2004, the brothers Evan and Raymond Chandler sold on her website a copy of Evan Chandler’s consent to administering anesthesia to his13-year-old Jordan. This letter was offered for sale by the Chandler brothers on their website
For $4.95.
How much Chandler is hidden in Michael Jackson’s „trussst in me …“ in his song MORPHINE?
„Trust in me…“ In 1997 in his song MORPHINE, it seems like Michael Jackson is quoting a scene from the Disney movie „The Jungle Book“. In this movie scene, a boy, the main character in the play, is hypnotized to the point of becoming will-less by an adult. The adult in this play is a snake. The adult snake Ka manipulates the boy in Disney’s film with the following singsong:
„Trusssst in me, jusssst in me …“
an adult false snake manipulates a boy.19

picture: The adult snake is trying to hypnotize and to manipulate the boy: „Trusssst in me, trusssst in me, put all your trussst in me …“
Walt Disney „The Jungle Book“, DVD
Michael Jackson used the same words and the same style in the painful hell of his 1997 song MORPHINE and introduces the most hypnotic part of the song in it:
„Trusssst in me, trusssst in me, put all your trussst in me …
Michael Jackson in MORPHINE, 1997.
In the Disney movie, the boy is protected from any further manipulation by the adult snake before it is too late. But unfortunately, this is only the happy ending in the movie.
„Everyone’s reputation has value …“?
In the reality of Evan Chandler’s „certain plan“ in 1993 he and his lawyer Rothman initiated a custody case against his ex-wife June about the custody of their mutual son Jordan. The chances were good that some hypotheses about a „possible“ child abuse of Jordan Chandler by possibly a world-famous entertainer could be mentioned in this court case.
„Everyone’s reputation has value. When an entertainment professional’s public image or a company’s brand is attacked, the damage done may be quick and extremely harmful. When allegations of defamation, slander, libel or similar offenses arise, it is essential to promptly seek legal counsel with extensive, relevant experience. … […] our capabilities cover the spectrum of: Evaluating controversies over whether published or broadcast material was false but presented as fact […]“ 20
Rothman, Barry law office. 21
Fittingly, the entertainment lawyer’s extensive experience can also be found in Evan Chandler’s talk in the taped phone call to Dave Schwarz from July 1993:
MR. CHANDLER: „Michael the career will be over.„
Evan Chandler 1993 to Dave Schwartz. 22, 23
MR. SCHWARTZ: „Does that help Jordy?„
MR. CHANDLER: „Michael’s career will be over.„
MR. SCHWARTZ: „And does that help Jordy?„
MR. CHANDLER: „It’s irrelevant to me.“
Next act Evan Chandler: „If I walk away dissatisfied, then I’ll take it to the next step …“
In August 1993, Evan demanded, with the theoretical paper of psychiatrist Abrams in his pocket, meeting with Michael Jackson. Jackson, that is reported, was never eager for any conflict and certainly not for Evan’s announced drama à la „High Noon“. However, it is reported that Michael Jackson was persuaded into the meeting, but demanded to be accompanied by his lawyer Bert Fields and Fields private detective Anthony Pellicano. Pellicano wanted to prove Evan Chandler was blackmailing Jackson.
„Anything you say to me, you can say to Bert,“ Michael insisted.
Of all people it was Evan, who interestingly didn’t want any witnesses to his act:
„You don’t need a lawyer. We can work this out ourselves. We may talk about some embarrassing things for both of you,“ Evan cautioned …“
At that time, Jackson was reportedly already considering a defamation suit against Chandler. However, Evan Chandler, in the role of the father who, by his own admission, suspected child abuse against his own son, looked forward (quote!) „enthusiastically“ to the meeting with the entertainer. Jackson, who earlier had withdrawn his attention and interest from the collaborative screenplay. With the obligatory information from the psychiatrist in his pocket, that the entertainer could be accused of sexually molesting son Jordan Chandler, Evan at the start of the meeting even embraced said entertainer warmly like an old friend. Brother Raymond Chandler, his ghostwriter and his book publisher, later tried to explain this:
“ …when Evan hugged him it showed he knew Michael had done no such thing.“
The Chandler brothers in their own book 2004. 25
There were reportedly four of them in that hotel room: Evan Chandler, Michael Jackson, attorney Bert Fields‘ private investigator named Anthony Pellicano, and 13-year-old Jordan, who had been instructed by Evan to attend meetings of this type with his father from now on:
„I wanted him to see how the game is played and how each player operates …“
Interesting wording that Evan Chandler came up with on that situation there.
Evan Chandler is said to have blurred out the name of the psychiatrist Abrams on the paper with the psychiatrist’s hypothesis. He wanted to use this method to prevent Jackson’s lawyers from contacting this psychiatrist. Through this contact, this psychiatrist would eventually have learned who the anonymous „20 years older“ was, about whom he had offered the theoretical information, and would thus have been obligated to immediately report the suspicion of possible child abuse to the authorities. But Evan Chandler, interestingly, wanted to avoid this legal route at all costs. Evan Chandler did not want authorities. Evan Chandler didn’t want justice. Evan Chandler wanted a Hollywood career.
So Evan Chandler is said to have read his note.
Jackson is said to have said nothing about the note.
Jordan Chandler is said to have been surprised about the content of the note.
Anthony Pellicano is said to have then asked Evan Chandler what he actually wanted.
Evan wanted to close his dental practice, become a full-time screenwriter and for that Jackson should establish him.
Jackson said nothing to that. (He later sang about it).
Pellicano then suggested Chandler to contact film industry officials, because there was nothing more they could do for him. As a result, Evan Chandler became very angry:
„You can’t help me,“ and pointed at Jackson. „Only he can help me.„
Michael Jackson is said to have remained silent on the whole subject.
“You’re going to be sorry, Michael. This is not the last you’re going to hear from me. If I don’t get what I want, Michael, I’m going to go to the press. I’m going to ruin you.“
Evan Chandler to Michael Jackson 1993
Evan yelled. Michael remained silent.
That was about the exact moment when Evan’s enthusiasm finally faded and Evan decided to declare Michael Jackson to be a child molester.
„Baloney,“ June Chandler had later said of those accusations. 27, 28
In summary, the son of the script-writing dentist with the Hollywood dreams is said to have been abused by the entertainment power figure par excellence, making unattainable prospects of million-dollar screenplays within reach for the „enthusiastic“ dentist. What a coincidence.
That very evening of August 4, 1993, Evan Chandler, via his attorney Rothman, demanded that Jackson would finance four screenplays at five million dollars each over a period of four years. A teamwork – so Evan Chandler’s suggestion – should even have become out of it – consisting of Evan, Jordan and Jackson. According to Chandler’s plan, the entertainer should profit from the collaboration on a pro rata basis, the claim said.
„If they bombed, it would be one hell of a tax write-off.“
In case of any failures, Jackson would even have been able to reduce the taxes. A tax-saving model, so to speak.
„They really want to use me and then falsely accuse me“
Michael Jackson, THIS TIME AROUND, 1995. 30
Pellicano, on behalf of Bert Fields who represented Michael Jackson, did not respond to those demands either. But Evan Chandler had threatened:
„If I walk away dissatisfied, then I’ll take it to the next step“
So Chandler was dissatisfied and as of now, America’s tabloid paper „National Enquirer“ is said to have received anonymous „tips“ about an explosive Jackson story, over which a month later a worldwide „Michael Jackson scandal“ emerged. A scandal that fills headlines to this day. Chandler, after all, had „walked away unsatisfied“ from the „negotiations“ with Pellicano and had initiated the next steps. 32, 33
In the words of Evan Chandler: 34, 35
„Unfortunately, after that, it’s totally out of [tape irregularity]. It’ll take on so much momentum of its own that it’s going to be out of all our control. It’s going to be monumentally huge, and I’m not going to have any way to stop it. […]“
Chandler, according to those who knew him well, was said to be bipolar. This is a mental disorder in which euphoric megalomania alternates with depression to the point of suicidal tendencies.37
And the Chandlers were still wondering in 2004:
„Had Michael paid the twenty million dollars demanded of him in August, rather than the following January, he might have spent the next ten years as the world’s most famous entertainer, instead of the world’s most infamous child molester.“
Chandler had no problem with Michael Jackson. Chandler had a problem with Michael Jackson not wanting to be blackmailed.
In 1993, Jackson had decided to continue ignoring the raging dentist. „Lots of people are always trying stuff like this, trying to hurt me, embarrass me. I thought this was just another one of those things. I never dreamed it would blow up to be the mess it became.“ 39 Jackson, looking back, who had neither time nor interest in Evan Chandler, but devoted his attention to rehearsals for the upcoming world tour, the filming of his short film, which would later become his masterpiece and aptly enough called MICHAEL JACKSON’S GHOSTS. In addition, together with his future wife and nurse Deborah Rowe, Jackson dedicated himself to his withdrawal from pain medication, due to his scalp surgery in March 1993. 40
And because no one wanted to pay any further attention to the dentist and his entertainment lawyer, in the end the only contact left for Chandler and Rothman’s „plan“ was the private detective named Pellicano.
Related articles:
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS, – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, retrieved 2017.04.06. von screenshot September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“. Chandler was selling the court documents for $4.95, website Raymond Chandler published 2004.09.06.
-, taped phone conversation between Evan Chandler and David Schwartz (July 8, 1993), 1993.07.08., retrieved 2017.08.06.,
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „Part One – The Tangled Web„, Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California,, page 15
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS, – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, „Evan Chandler: „[…]because this attorney I found — I mean, I interviewed several, and I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find, and all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can.[…]„retrieved 2017.04.06. screenshot September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“. Chandler was selling the court documents for $4.95, website Raymond Chandler published 2004.09.06.
-, taped phone conversation between Evan Chandler and David Schwartz (July 8, 1993), 1993.07.08., retrieved 2017.08.06.,
- Jackson, Michael, THIS TIME AROUND – Album: HIStory – Past, Present and Future Book I, 1995.06.14., SONY Music.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS/ – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER:, Chandler, Raymond. 08.07.1993, retrieved 2017.04.06. in September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“ sold by Chandler. Published on Raymond Chandlers Website 2004.09.06.
-, Taped phone conversation between Evan Chandler and David Schwartz (July 8, 1993), 1993.07.08., abgerufen 2017.08.06.,
- Taraborrelli, J. Randy, Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story, 1991 until 2009, author Taraborelli claims to have conducted an interview with Anthony Pellicano: „This was his reaction. ‚I asked him if it was true or not. Was there something between him and Jordie? „Of course not,“ he said. „That’s absolutely ridiculous, and that’s not the point. Tell Evan that Michael Jackson said go to hell. That’s the point.“, Pan Macmillan. Kindle-Version, Kindle-Positions 7887-7892
- Jackson, Michael, THIS TIME AROUND – Album: HIStory – Past, Present and Future Book I, 1995.06.14., SONY Music see Evan Chandler taped phone call to Schwartz: „there’s no other way to get ahold of them.“
- 1_Note: Jackson slurred speech recorded by Doctor Murray, „More audio recordings of Michael Jackson’s slurred speech played in court,“ 2011.09., retrieved 2017.09.06. A career-conscious prosecutor used Jacksons slurred speech in 2011 in order to put at least one of Jacksons doctors behind bars. Perhaps Doc Murray even co-produced a video recording of Jackson. Who knows.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „Hey, Jordie, are you and Michael doin‘ it?“ „That’s disgusting!“ Jordie reacted. „I’m not into that.“ „Just kidding.“ Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 56
- 1_note: This is the second half of the DANGEROUS – world tour, which Jackson should continue in August 1993. The first half he had completed from 06.1992 to 12.1992.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 65
- Letter from M.D. Mathis Abrams to attorney Barry Rothman from 1993.07.16., published in Victor Gutierrez fiction „Michael Jackson was my lover“, ISBN-13: 978-9562723053 von 1997.06, which was removed from circulation by court order in 1996 and Chandler, Raymond – ALL THAT GLITTERS ISBN: 978-0954197384: „Letter from Mathis Abrams, M.D., INC., Beverly Hills, California from 16July 1993 to attorney Barry K. Rothman, Los Angeles. In Re: Consultation Re Applicability of P.C. §11165 et seq. inter alia Dear Mr. Rothman, Per your request, the following is intended as a summary of my impressions regarding the applicability of the above captioned statues to the circumstances as represented to me in the consultation you requested of 14 July 1993. This is not to be construed as the practice of law or the providing of legal advice. The opinions offered are based upon the representations are made to me, the veracity thereof being assumed without provision for verification or confirmation. The identities of the parties referenced were not revealed to me, and the discussion was thus conducted in anonymity, as you determined. The pertinent facts are called to be, but are not limited to: A 13-year-old male (the child), whose parents are divorced, lives with his remarried mother and younger half-sister -her husband ist not consistently in their home at this time. The male child has had, for several months, an intensely emotional, personal relationship with an idolized male who is more than 20 years his senior, is a celebrity of some sort, and is not a relative by blood or marriage. The child spends much of his time in the company of this adult male, and their relationship is described as „inseparable“. The child’s mother and half-sister often accompany the child and adult male on trips and/or to events, and the child’s mother has received numerous and substantial gifts, both monetary and material, from the adult male. The child has, on many occasions, spent the night in the same bed with the adult male, though separate beds are available. The child and adult male have been observed in the same bed, under the covers, by both the child’s mother and father, on separate occasions, and by the child’s half-brother. The child’s father expressed his concerns to the child’s mother, who was unconcerned (or impotent) about the nature of the relationship her son and the adult male.“ End of page 1 in the imprint of the Gutierrez book. Further in the text printed in the Chandler book page 117/118 „The father is gravely concerned about the psychological (and physical) impact of the child’s relationship with the adult male, the message to the child by his mother’s condoning attitude, the ramifications of the father’s efforts to terminate the relationship between his child and the adult male, and any need for psychotherapeutic intervention. Based upon the above, there are several persons for whom psychotherapeutic intervention is indicated: First and foremost, the child appears to be at risk whether his relationship with the adult male continues or is terminated …. Section 11 I 66(a) (of the Penal Code) requires the reporting to a child protective agency by a health practitioner (inter alia) who has knowledge of … a child whom he or she … reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse. Child abuse is defined (11165.6) as including sexual abuse of a child. Sexual abuse is defined in 11165.1 as meaning sexual assault or exploitation as defined therein, which includes 11165(a) conduct in violation of 288, relating to lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under 14 years of age. Such conduct is described to include, but not to be limited to, those examples enumerated in 11165.6(b)4: ‚The intentional touching of the genitals or the intimate parts (including the breast, genital area, groin, inner thighs, and buttocks) or the clothing covering them, of a child, or of the perpetrator by a child, for purposes of sexual arousal or gratification …. The events as presented above provide the basis for the conclusion that reasonable suspicion would exist that sexual abuse may have occurred. Because such a reasonable suspicion would exist, such awareness by a health practitioner (defined in 11165.8), or other required reporter, would require the reporting of the suspicion to the required agency. In addition, these circumstances raise the possibility of issues regarding, but not limited to, child neglect and/or prostitution (aiding and abetting) not addressed further herein.“
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „behind-the-scenes negotiations toward a quick, quiet and highly profitable settlement.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 114
- Dimond, Diane, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case, 2005.11.07., „Chandler wrote in his chronology that he learned the specific details of the molestation only when he heard them quoted from the police report on national television about a month and a half later.“, Atria Books. Kindle-Version, page 62
- Kipling; Disney, Rudiyard; Walt, The Jungle Book, 1967; 2000, DVD, „Trusssst in me, jusssst in me/Close your eyes and trust in me/You can sleep safe and sound Knowing I am around/Slip into silent slumber/Sail on a silver mist/Slowly and surely your senses/Will cease to resist/Trusssst in me, jusssst in me/Close your eyes and trussst in me …“, Walt Disney Studios.
- Rothman, Barry K., LAW OFFICE OF BARRY K. ROTHMAN – Los Angeles Defamation Claims Attorneys, retrieved 2017.01.18., „Everyone’s reputation has value. When an entertainment professional’s public image or a company’s brand is attacked, the damage done may be quick and extremely harmful. When allegations of defamation, slander, libel or similar offenses arise, it is essential to promptly seek legal counsel with extensive, relevant experience. […] Our capabilities cover the spectrum of: Evaluating controversies over whether published or broadcast material was false but presented as fact […]“, former Website now accessible via
- Rothman, Barry K., LAW OFFICE OF BARRY K. ROTHMAN – Los Angeles Defamation Claims Attorneys, retrieved 2017.01.18., „Everyone’s reputation has value. When an entertainment professional’s public image or a company’s brand is attacked, the damage done may be quick and extremely harmful. When allegations of defamation, slander, libel or similar offenses arise, it is essential to promptly seek legal counsel with extensive, relevant experience. […] Our capabilities cover the spectrum of: Evaluating controversies over whether published or broadcast material was false but presented as fact […]“, former Website now accessible via
-, phone call Evan Chandler to David Schwartz, 1993.07.08., retrieved 2017.09.05.,
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS/ – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, retrieved 2017.04.06. from under screenshot from September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“. Chandler offered the court documents for sale for $4,95: 16 MR. CHANDLER: The wheels roll at 8:36 if they’re not there. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but can you do that for me, make it later? MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous, inaudible) do it. I can’t. You don’t have to be there. MR. SCHWARTZ: But I want to — MR. CHANDLER: — tape record it. You can hear it all. MR. SCHWARTZ: But I want to be there. MR. CHANDLER: Well, then you have to be there at 8:30. It’s already set. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. MR. CHANDLER: There are other people involved that are waiting for my phone call that are intentionally going to be in certain positions — MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. MR. CHANDLER: — [tape irregularity]. I paid them to do it. They’re doing their job. I gotta just go ahead and follow through on the time zone. MR. SCHWARTZ: Um-hmm. MR. CHANDLER: I mean the time set out.Everything is going according to a certain plan that isn’t just mine. There’s other people involved –MR. SCHWARTZ: How about 8:37? MR. CHANDLER: Nope. 8:31 is not even going to work. I mean, they’re going to have — they’re going to have to be there or not be there. It’s up to them what happens now. I mean, it’s not going to be [tape irregularity] whether they’re there or not. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. MR. CHANDLER: But if they are there, it’s going to be far better than if they’re not — I mean, they’re going to have a chance to make things a lot better if they’re there. My instructions were to kill and destroy [tape irregularity], I’m telling you. I mean, and by killing and destroying, I’m going to torture them, Dave. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. MR. CHANDLER: Because that’s what June has done to me. She has tortured me –“. Published on Chandlers Website 2004.09.06.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „You don’t need a lawyer. We can work this out ourselves.“ Michael wouldn’t budge: Pellicano or Fields had to attend. ‚We may talk about some embarrassing things for both of you,“ Evan cautioned. „Anything you say to me, you can say to Bert,“ Michael insisted. „But I don’t think anyone else should hear these things. I don’t want you to get in trouble. I just … “ Click. This phone call was a turning point for Evan. „I understood that a man in Michael’s position needed lawyers for everything, but this was not business, not to me. I really thought we could work it out if we could get all the lawyers out of the picture, and I thought Michael would want that too. If I wasn’t bringing a lawyer, why did he need one?“ This was a completely different Michael than Evan had seen before. His defensiveness and unwillingness to communicate about Jordie’s welfare left Evan „with serious doubts“ about the star’s true feelings. Minutes after the phone call with Michael, Barry called to say he had just received a call from Pellicano, who claimed Evan had threatened Michael. Pellicano warned that Michael was about to file a libel suit, though he didn’t say why.“ Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 125/126
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „Pellicano, of course, would have us believe Evan had already accused Michael of molesting Jordie as part of an extortion attempt, so when Evan hugged him it showed he knew Michael had done no such thing. That Evan walked into the meeting and gave Michael a big hug only corroborates that Evan went there with the belief that Michael genuinely cared for Jordie and hadn’t done anything intentional to hurt him. After all, the idea that Michael was being accused of intentionally harming the boy – that a „molestation“ had occurred – did not originate in Evan’s mind.“, Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 135/136
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „I wanted him to see how the game is played and how each player operates, so he would never again be duped.“, Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 194
- LA TIMES, „Tapes Used to Allege Plot to Extort Jackson Released : Inquiry: Singer’s aides provide purported comments by boy’s father, who has told friends allegations are untrue, Author Philips, Chuck; Ferrell, David. 1993.08.31., retrieved 2017.04.17., „In interviews with The Times, Pellicano provided a detailed account of events that climaxed with an Aug. 4 meeting among the father, the boy, Jackson and Pellicano at a Los Angeles hotel room. By then, Pellicano said, it had been made clear that the father wished to close his Beverly Hills dental practice and become a screenwriter. Pellicano said he had offered to introduce the father to figures in the film industry. In Pellicano’s account of the hotel rendezvous, the father gave Jackson a warm embrace, then sat down and read from a letter in which a therapist described a number of „hypothetical“ contacts between an adult and child as violations of child molestation laws. The 13-year-old reacted with apparent alarm, as if unaware his father would make such charges, Pellicano said. The private investigator then demanded to know the father’s real intentions. According to Pellicano, the father reminded him of his desire to be a screenwriter. The investigator told the father that he could not help him as a writer. That angered the father. Although Pellicano said he offered to introduce the father to Hollywood contacts, the father stood in anger, saying: „You can’t help me,“ and pointed at Jackson. „Only he can help me.“The meeting, Pellicano said, broke up with the father yelling at Jackson: „You’re going to be sorry, Michael. This is not the last you’re going to hear from me. If I don’t get what I want, Michael, I’m going to go to the press. I’m going to ruin you.“Pellicano said the father wanted $5 million a year for four years in exchange for remaining silent. The father, he said, wanted to close his dental office and spend his time writing screenplays with his son and Jackson. The deal, the private eye said, even included a proposal that would result in tax breaks for the singer. Pellicano said he rejected the deal.“,
- Fischer, Marie A., Was Michael Jackson Framed? The Untold Story That Brought Down a Superstar; article originally published October 1994, GQ Magazine; second publishing 2012.10.04., “She thought the whole thing was baloney,” says her ex-attorney, Michael Freeman. She told Chandler that she planned to take their son out of school in the fall so they could accompany Jackson on his “Dangerous” world tour.“, Argo-Navis. Kindle-Version. , page 12
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., „Since Pellicano had previously mentioned screenwriting, Barry structured his offer around that: Michael would pay Evan five million apiece for four screenplays over a four-year period, Barry figured if the movies were a hit, Michael, as owner and producer, would see a profit from his „investment.“ If they bombed, it would be one hell of a tax write-off.“, Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 139
- Jackson, Michael, THIS TIME AROUND – Album: HIStory – Past, Present and Future Book I, 1995.06.14., „They really want to use me and then falsely accuse me“, SONY Music.
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS/ – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, retrieved on 2017.04.06., from under screenshot September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“. Chandler offered the court documents for sale for $4,95: „And if I walk away dissatisfied, then I’ll take it to the next step. That’s all. If they walk away dissatisfied, they have the right to do that, too. At least [tape irregularity] nothing will get resolved except for the fact that we’ll agree to meet again and talk about it. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.“ Published on Raymond Chandler´s Website in 2004.09.06.
- LA TIMES, „Tapes Used to Allege Plot to Extort Jackson Released : Inquiry: Singer’s aides provide purported comments by boy’s father, who has told friends allegations are untrue, Autor Philips, Chuck; Ferrell, David. 1993.08.31., retrieved 2017.04.17.,
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS/ – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, retrieved on 2017.04.06., von under screenshot September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents“. Chandler offered the court documents for sale for $4,95: „And if I walk away dissatisfied, then I’ll take it to the next step. That’s all. If they walk away dissatisfied, they have the right to do that, too. At least [tape irregularity] nothing will get resolved except for the fact that we’ll agree to meet again and talk about it. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.“, published on Chandlers Website 2004.09.06.
-, Tabloid sales & assault, 2016.03.18. accessed on 2017.02.04., „Reporter: I think it was him (Evan) because nobody was paying attention to the story. The tips started coming in I would say about 2 months before the story broke. I mean, they didn’t call every day but probably once a week and each time they would call they would give a little information, then a little more. The reporter from the local –KNBC new, Conan something, got tipped off and reported the story. The enquirer was sitting on the story and afraid to publish it for about a month because they really –I mean they only had that source the caller and the caller didn’t want to ident–, didn’t want money which was highly unusual.“,
- 1_Note:,, 2016.03.18.; retrieved 2017.02.20.,The gossip magazine „National Enquirer“ receives anonymous „tips“ of similar content from July 1993, Chandler is suspected of having been an „informant“. In 1995 his fee is said to have been between $ 20,000 and $ 30,000 if he finally would deliver the front-page story about his allegedly abused son. At the same time Chandler sued Jackson in another civil suit for 60 million $ and the permission to publish his – Evan Chandler’s – „musical composition“ „EVANstory“...
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS/ – Buy The Documents; TRANSCRIPT OF A SECRETLY RECORDED CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CHILD’S FATHER AND STEPFATHER: 08.07.1993, accessed on 2017.04.06., retrieved screenshot from September 2004. Section: „Buy the documents: „I have to go step by step, each time escalating the attention-getting mechanism, and that’s all I regard him as, as an attention-getting mechanism. Unfortunately, after that, it’s totally out of [tape irregularity]. It’ll take on so much momentum of its own that it’s going to be out of all our control. It’s going to be monumentally huge, and I’m not going to have any way to stop it. […]“
-, News, Father of Michael Jackson acccuser ended life alone, in pain, Fisher, Luchina. 2009.11.21, retrieved 2017.02.06., Note: Out of all people, Victor Gutierrez has the last word on Evan Chandler and speaks his obituary. „[…] Evan Chandler, 65, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head, according to Jersey City, N.J., police who found him in his luxury waterfront apartment on Nov. 5. […] Dimond told that Chandler was suffering from a rare metabolic disorder called Gaucher disease, a hereditary condition most prevalent in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. […] Dimond said Chandler, who was also bipolar, did not take care of his condition. Moreover, Chandler was estranged from Jordie, his two ex-wives, his children from his second marriage, and his two brothers. […] Chandler’s troubles began years earlier, […] according to Victor Gutierrez, […] “This family did not fall apart right after the settlement,” Gutierrez told “This family was dysfunctional way before.”,
- Chandler, Raymond, ALL THAT GLITTERS – The Crime and the Cover Up, 2004.08.02., Chanadon Publications Limited; Edited by Gail M. Kearns, GMK Editorial & Writing Services, Santa Barbara, California, page 128
- Taraborrelli, J. Randy, Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story, 1991 to 2009, „Lots of people are always trying stuff like this, trying to hurt me, embarrass me. I thought this was just another one of those things. I never dreamed it would blow up to be the mess it became.“ Michael Jackson, August 1994., Pan Macmillan. Kindle-Version, Kindle-Positionen8943-8944
- 1_note: Jackson’s scalp surgeries from 1984 and fifty bottles of aspirin. During the mega success of his THRILLER album in 1984, Jackson suffered scalp burns while filming a commercial for the soft drink company Pepsi. The consequences of his injuries were increased scarring, surgery, hair loss and migraines. In March 1993, doctors advised him to undergo another operation: scarred skin of the scalp was cut open, a balloon was pushed underneath, and the scalp was stretched over the balloon in order to cut off the „leftover“ skin Hoping that healthy scalp will emerge and the old injuries can be permanently removed in subsequent surgeries. The surgery was performed on Jackson in March 1993, while he was preparing for the second half of his DANGEROUS world tour. He did not have time for the healing process. „Unbearable pain“ the doctors treated with medication. Jackson fell into an addiction, which he fought with the help of his future second wife and nurse Deborah Rowe in his apartment shortly before the start of the world tour in August 1993. During the period of the evolving Chandler scandal, Jackson was additionally preoccupied with pain, medication, exhausting rehearsals for the world tour and filming for the movie project with the working title „Is this scary“, which he later completed in 1996 under the name MICHAEL JACKSONS GHOSTS. When Jackson spends alleged thirty days at June Chandler’s home in April/May 1993, the aftermath of his poorly healing surgery must be omnipresent. The doctors meanwhile provided him with morphine/Demerol., page 239