I DANGEROUS Michael Jackson and the crowning of the King
„Images are quintessential in statements of power.“
The coronation of the King of Pop Michael Jackson is for all time captured on the DANGEROUS cover from 1991.
Analizing four decades of Michael Jacksons work of art. The main point for discoveries in the Michael Jackson art is his album cover from 1991. DANGEROUS.
And so much more.
„Images are quintessential in statements of power.“
The coronation of the King of Pop Michael Jackson is for all time captured on the DANGEROUS cover from 1991.
Not only on Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS separates a border life from death, day from night and light from darkness. Jackson himself repeatedly embodied the symbol of the sun and the moon in his aRt.
Michael Jackson went down in history as the Moonwalker, but how did the King of Pop become at the same time the Sun King?
Where did Michael Jackson, who became immortal as the Moonwalker with the symbol of the moon, show the symbol sunrise countless times in his music and films?
What have Napoleon, Michael Jackson, Jupiter and Zeus and other Gods in common? An article about the symbols of power.
Michael Jackson cited military symbols and Napoleon in his art. But where? And what is the meaning of the mysterious Roman statue in MOONWALKER 1988, BLACK OR WHITE 1991 and WHO IS IT 1993?
Where did Michael Jackson hide the song „Heal The World“ on the DANGEROUS album cover? Why is the world on DANGEROUS upside down? Doomsday? What have we done to the world?
Michael Jackson was infatuated with British heredity but where did he quote Queen Elizabeth I and II? And what does the Queen of Hollywood Elizabeth Taylor have to do with it?
P. T. Barnum was the publicity genius behind arguably the most famous circus in history, Michael Jackson not only quoted him on DANGEROUS 1991.
Michael Jackson signed autographs with the number „1998“. On Jackson’s Dangerous cover, Showman Barnum wears the number „1998“ on his pin. Did the „1998“ mean the end of the show „King of Pop“?
Why is it that even in the 1992 Pepsi commercial, Michael Jackson’s dreams have ended up as a deadly nightmare in the industry of entertainment?
Did the fatal ending in Michael Jackson’s short film WHO IS IT find its beginning in the tomb of his DANGEROUS album cover? And why is the star of the film a prostitute?
Is there a snake hiding on the Michael Jackson DANGEROUS cover from 1991 that seems to devour us? It symbolizes falsehood and deceit. In Jackson’s Art it appears over several years.
Was there a warning from Michael Jackson about the entertainment industry in MOONWALKER in 1988 and also 1991 on his DANGEROUS album cover?
Michael Jackson surrounded himself with symbols for decades, and the „star“ and the „peacock“ were among them. But where did he use them? A search for the Star.
Michael Jackson compared his career to a plane. He was the pilot, knew every task of his crew. A search for the „plane“ in Jackson’s art.
Where did Michael Jackson make his own „making-of“, the „making of“ the King of Pop into art on stage and in his films?
About Michael Jackson, child labor and his musical work „Childhood“. But what kind of relationship existed between him, Macauly Culkin and Shirley Temple on his DANGEROUS cover in 1991? And what connection did he form with Charles Chaplin and Jackie Coogan from „The Kid“ in 1921?
How much of the Michael Jackson mask was part of the image? And how much autobiography is in the song THREATENED by Michael Jackson 2001?
Hubris or rebellion? Michael Jackson rebelled against church and religion. Did he have an altar painted on his 1991 DANGEROUS cover?
Michael Jackson and Madonna. The one from the picture „Rosenhag“ from 1473 shows up on Jackson’s DANGEROUS cover from 1991. How much of his album cover becomes a shrine over it?
Jackson sang 2001 about „Lost Children“. Critics screamed. But they didn’t really listen: Jackson sang about old people in a home for the aged, Twilight Zone 1962.
„Sometimes you feel like you’re in prison!“
Michael Jackson used symbols in his art numerous times and the symbol „prison“ cited Jackson in his own special way for decades.
Michael Jackson used in his very special way countless symbols in his artworks and for decades Jackson quoted the symbol of „escape“ (Escape).
Only by looking closely, one discovers that special moment of magic that Michael Jackson created in MOONWALKER 1988 …
Michael Jackson was a storyteller. Did he tell us in connection to his other artwork over the years with I’LL BE THERE a special story?
Michael Jackson war ein Geschichtenerzähler. Hat er uns im Zusammenspiel mit seinen anderen Kunstwerken über die Jahre mit I’LL BE THERE eine besondere Geschichte erzählt?
„We don’t hear the famous calculated ending of I’LL BE THERE, we see it. When the man looks over his shoulder…“ I’LL BE THERE – The aRt of Michael Jackson
„Wir hören nicht das berühmte kalkulierte Ende von I’LL BE THERE, sondern wir sehen es. Wenn der Mann suchend über seine Schulter blickt…“
I’LL BE THERE – Die aRt des Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson Manifest 1987: “ I will rule as the King … time for the First Black King. Now and forever. < "Ich werde als König regieren. Ich bin nicht voreingenommen, es ist einfach Zeit für den ersten schwarzen König."