XVIII Michael Jackson, Childhood or „Kids At Work“

About Michael Jackson, child labor and his musical work „Childhood“. But what kind of relationship existed between him, Macauly Culkin and Shirley Temple on his DANGEROUS cover in 1991? And what connection did he form with Charles Chaplin and Jackie Coogan from „The Kid“ in 1921?

XXI DANGEROUS: Michael Jackson and Madonna Anno 1473

Michael Jackson and Madonna. The one from the picture „Rosenhag“ from 1473 shows up on Jackson’s DANGEROUS cover from 1991. How much of his album cover becomes a shrine over it?

Michael Jackson Gitter Gefängnis Collage auf Billie Jean, They Don't Care About Us, Moonwalker, In the Closet. Der Entertainer ist von Gitterstäben umgeben - Beitragsbild Facebook

Michael Jackson art: Symbol Prison

„Sometimes you feel like you’re in prison!“
Michael Jackson used symbols in his art numerous times and the symbol „prison“ cited Jackson in his own special way for decades.

Michael Jackson Symbol art Escape. Part of HIstory

Michael Jackson art: Symbol Escape

Michael Jackson used in his very special way countless symbols in his artworks and for decades Jackson quoted the symbol of „escape“ (Escape).

e-book cover "I'll Be There - The art of Michael Jackson" via amazon moon, stars, night

I’ll Be There – The aRt of Michael Jackson. eBook

Michael Jackson was a storyteller. Did he tell us in connection to his other artwork over the years with I’LL BE THERE a special story?
Michael Jackson war ein Geschichtenerzähler. Hat er uns im Zusammenspiel mit seinen anderen Kunstwerken über die Jahre mit I’LL BE THERE eine besondere Geschichte erzählt?

Michael Jackson 1991 Pepsi Commercial I'll Be There Piano. I'LL Be There - The aRt of Michael Jackson

I’ll Be There – The aRt of Michael Jackson

„We don’t hear the famous calculated ending of I’LL BE THERE, we see it. When the man looks over his shoulder…“ I’LL BE THERE – The aRt of Michael Jackson
„Wir hören nicht das berühmte kalkulierte Ende von I’LL BE THERE, sondern wir sehen es. Wenn der Mann suchend über seine Schulter blickt…“
I’LL BE THERE – Die aRt des Michael Jackson