On the DANGEROUS album cover by Michael Jackson from 1991, the figure of a King is depicted on the left side: The figure is based on the painting „Napoleon I on his imperial throne“. The painting „Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne“ was painted by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1806.
The image of the king on Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS cover from 1992 symbolizes power.
picture: Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover 1991, SONY Music Entertainment. Painter of the artwork named „King of Pop“ (acrylic on wood 82” x 74”) is Mark Ryden. The original of the painting is exhibited in the Paul Kasmin Gallery, 293 Tenth Ave., New York, NY 10001. source
left: King „MJ“ Michael Jackson on his royal throne painted by Mark Ryden in 1991 for the DANGEROUS album cover.
right: Napoleon I on his imperial throne painted by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1806, own photo by source
This dog on the DANGEROUS album cover, who is also a King, has been identified as „MJ“. More about that in this article:
The painting of Napoleon on his imperial throne is the portrait of a man who crowned himself. The image was the inspiration for Michael Jackson on the royal throne.
Michael and Ingres. And the date of birth August 29
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres painted the picture of Napoleon in 1806. The painter Ingres, born in 1780, shares with Michael Jackson not only the motif on DANGEROUS, but also the day and month of his birth, August 29. That for sure is coincidence.
Michael Jackson and Napoleon: Halo. Immortality. Manhood and Perfection
In 1806, Napoleon I was glorified with royal insignias by painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. In 1991, Michael Jackson, presented in the figure of a dog, was glorified with royal insignias on DANGEROUS by Mark Ryden. In the Napoleon painting of 1806, semicircles already represent halos, perfection, immortality and masculinity. According to Ingres‘ painting, Napoleon should be a winner and illuminator of the world. In 1806 Napoleon I was presented as a divine majesty, surrounded by the halo of rays … like god? 1, 2, 3.
The differences between the painted Michael Jackson and the painted Napoleon are not significant. King „MJ“ is missing the laurel wreath and the second glove on his left hand. The glove on Napoleon’s right hand lacks any magical spark, while Michael Jackson abandons the ornate sword of the Frenchman, as well as the scepter of Charles V and the Carolingian eagle.
The purple robe of the royal „MJ“ is free from any decoration. And Michael Jacksons left foot with the initial „MJ“ is the most modest sandal one can find.
And now Jupiter as well!
But not only Napoleon I is hidden in the dog, who is a King on the DANGEROUS album cover, but also God Jupiter. Because the painter Jean-Auguste Ingres painted Jupiter as well and Napoleon´s portrait looked astonishingly similar to the one of Jupiter. So, Michael Jackson had besides Napoleon also Jupiter as a role model and the God does not only share the sandal with him.
„I love […] Ingres.“
Mark Ryden, the DANGEROUS painter. 4
Next to the figure of the dog on Michael Jacksons DANGEROUS album cover, who represents power and glory, are a jackal and a bird, the ibis. They occupy the space, where in the original painting the goddess Thetis and the imperial eagle can be located.
Talking about the eagle: Michael Jackson did use it´s symbolic power long before the creation of the DANGEROUS cover: the eagle is the symbol of immortality, a sign of bravery, strength and vison. The eagle represents the ascent to heaven, overcoming the earthly and the redemption of the soul. The eagle is the King of the air and the messenger of the highest gods. 5
Imperial Eagle. Military. Gods. Immortality and Power. And the connection between man and God
Jupiter is a supreme god, a god of heaven and a god of the Romans. Zeus is his Greek predecessor and was depicted with the imperial eagle by his side. Jupiter, Zeus‘ successor, brought the imperial eagle to Rome. Roman emperors used the symbolism of the eagle as a sign of power. Napoleon had the eagle copied on paintings and furniture, and Michael Jackson wore the eagle on belts, jackets, album covers. Michael Jackson used the symbol of the imperial eagle side by side with the symbol of the star.
And not only in his short film Michael Jackson celebrated his own arrival with the imperial eagle.
Michael Jackson wore the symbol of the imperial eagle on his belt and leather jacket at the latest after he conquered the world with the album THRILLER in 1983. In 1995, in one of the first images in his short film HIStory-Teaser, he showed the eagle on a pillar. The HIStory-Teaser is that kind of short film by the King of Pop, in which he used pretty much all available military signs to celebrate his comeback.
The eagle symbolizes immortality, strength and stamina. It is the connection between humans and God. It accompanies the images of the gods. The eagle is the symbol of Christ. The eagle looks up at the sky and into the sun as he ascends and symbolizes resurrection. 6, 7 Michael Jackson used the symbols of the eagle, the star and the throne since 1982. At least.
picture: 1982.08. Michael Jackson with the eagle and the throne in an interview for a magazine source
Lightnings. Zeus. And Michael Jackson
The weapon of the god Zeus is lightning, and Michael Jackson also threw lightning bolts in 1986 in the character of Captain EO and in 1996 in the character of the Maestro in MICHAEL JACKSON’S GHOSTS. 8
Since 1992, Michael Jackson also opened his concerts throwing lightning bolts. Live on stage. With each finger point by Michael Jackson, the stage exploded in a frenzy of fireworks, from which his dancers then explode out of the ground. With a „bundle of lightnings“ he awakened them to new life. With the HIStory – World Tour from 1996 Jackson continued this tradition. Zeus would certainly have done the same.
Related articles:
- Grimme, Karin H, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 2007, Taschen, Köln, page 65
- Hamilton, A. C., The Spenser Encyclopedia, 04.1991, ROUTLEDGE CHAPMAN & HALL
- Lurker, Manfred, Wörterbuch biblischer Bilder und Symbole, 1973, translation:„The Lord of armies himself is seen in the image of the round one, in a figurative sense it is said that he becomes „a crown of glory, a fair ornament“ (Jes 28,5). The throne of the divine majesty is surrounded by a „colorful corona“ …“. Kösel Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Munich, page 205
- MJFC, MJFC. 2001, http://www.michaeljacksonmasterworks.com „To BECOME an artist I only really used my own instinct but AS an artist I have many, many influences. I am heavily influenced by classical art. I love David and Ingres. I also took quite a hit at the imagery of contemporary pop culture.“, http://www.michaeljacksonmasterworks.com/michael-issues-12/
- Prette, Maria Carla, Was ist Kunst? Bauwerke, Skulpturen, Gemälde, Epochen und Stile erkennen und verstehen, De Giorgis, Alfonso. 1999/2005, published by Kaiser, page 359
- Lurker, Manfred, Wörterbuch biblischer Bilder und Symbole, 1973, Adler, Kösel Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Munich, page 25/26
- Preller, Ludwig, Römische Mythologie; Kindle Edition, 1858, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin.
- MICHAEL JACKSON’S GHOSTS is Jacksons 38-minutes-long short film from 1996. A short version can be seen here: https://youtu.be/Xh9Cp4rd7mI?t=39