XV DANGEROUS: Michael Jackson and his symbol „star“ and „peacock“

Searching for the star

Michael Jackson fascinated the world by surrounding himself with symbols and not only on his DANGEROUS album cover from 1991 you can find his symbols of the „star“ and the „peacock“. But where in his long, extraordinary career did Jackson surround himself with the star and the peacock? And what was the meaning of these symbols? And why did the star Michael Jackson choose the wrong sign of the star on his last performance in 2009 shortly before his death?
Searching for his star.

Michael Jackson Dangerous Cover 1991 Mark Ryden Painting

picture: Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover 1991, SONY Music Entertainment. Painter of the artwork named „King of Pop“ (acrylic on wood 82” x 74”) is Mark Ryden. The original of the painting is exhibited in the Paul Kasmin Gallery, 293 Tenth Ave., New York, NY 10001. source

„Sitting and talking to Michael I would look into his eyes, and I could see for 1,000 miles. He had these most incredible eyes. They come off good on film, but nothing like in person. When you’re actually sitting across there looking at him. Those eyes were unbelievable.[…]“

David Nordahl, painter. 1
Michael Jackson Augen eyes Dangerous Cover 1991 Mark Ryden

„And he looked me deep in the eyes, with these big, beautiful doe eyes. I remembered that moment.“

Quincy Jones, musician. 2

But when those eyes look at you, you better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is in absolute charge.“

Rod Serling, narrator and creator of „The Twilight Zone,“ 1956. Michael Jackson quoted this episode in the 2001 song THREATENED. 3

„Question: „The whole painting is extremely impressive, but what makes it truly unique is the eyes. How did you decide to use Michael´s eyes?“
Mark Ryden: „This was part of the original concept decided upon Michael and the Art Director. That’s what I started with.“

Mark Ryden, the DANGEROUS painter, Interview 2001. 4

When Michael Jackson had his eyes featured at the center of the DANGEROUS album cover in 1991, it is the star that is written in those eyes.

Picture from the intro to „DANGEROUS-THE SHORTFILMS“ source. The star Michael Jackson carries the stars in his eyes.

This star is immortal because „stars will never die“

When I was little, I used to lie on my back in the grass at night. I began to tell one star from another and wished that one of them could be mine, like an imaginary friend. […] The whole idea of having my own star faded, and it was hard to remember if I had ever chosen one in the end. People began to tell me that the word „star“ meant something quite different. I half believed them …“

Michael Jackson in his poem I searched for my star, 1992. 5

In 2012, Michael Jackson’s designer Michael Lee Bush confirmed that the image of the shooting star in Michael Jackson’s artwork symbolizes his solo career. In 1987, Michael Jackson’s designer Denis Tompkins made at Jacksons request a kind of „champion belt“, which was intended to depict the milestones of Jackson’s life using various motifs.

„The next motif is a flying angel above a shooting star, symbolizing Michael’s solo career.

Michael Lee Bush about the design by Denis Tompkins. 6

1978. A Star was born – The Destiny. The Star, his destiny and the peacock

In 1978, the search for Michael’s star begins on that record sleeve that marks Jackson´s new musical beginning with the album DESTINY.

Michael Jackson The Jacksons Destiny 1978 Cover Star

picture: The star on the album cover DESTINY by Michael Jackson and his brothers in the formation of The Jacksons 1978 source

Michael Jackson Destiny Album cover Star The Jacksons 1978

picture: The star on the album cover DESTINY by The Jacksons 1978 source

In 1981, the search continues and marks a TRIUMPH. On the album of the same name, Michael Jackson’s shooting – star in the music video CAN YOU FEEL IT introduces the story of creation that ends in triumph.

Michael Jackson Symbol star stern 1981 Can You Feel it The Triumph

picture: screenshot from the short film The Jacksons – CAN YOU FEEL IT The Triumph from 1981. The concept for the short film was created by Michael Jackson. source

In 1988, Michael Jackson makes the symbol of the star as part of his signature.

Michale Jackson Symbol Moonwalk Signatur autograph meaning

picture: The first page of MOONWALK, Michael Jackson’s autobiography from 1988. source

In 1991, he has his album cover DANGEROUS covered with comets and stardust.

Dangerous Cover 1991 Mark Ryden Painting

picture: Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover 1991, SONY Music Entertainment. Painter of the artwork named „King of Pop“ (acrylic on wood 82” x 74”) is Mark Ryden. The original of the painting is exhibited in the Paul Kasmin Gallery, 293 Tenth Ave., New York, NY 10001. source

The Star, the birth or the comeback of the star

1978. The new beginning with DESTINY

Symbolically, a comet stands for the collapse of the existing and also for the beginning of something new and for the beginning of the history of creation. 7 Since Michael Jackson, together with his brothers in the formation „The Jacksons“ in 1978, had finally abandoned the old „Motown image“ and re-created themselves, the association of the comet with the release of their new album is only appropriate. DESTINY, The Jacksons‘ music album marks a new beginning for the brothers. This album provides a high degree of control for the brothers over their music. The success of the record proves them right. And seals their fate. Their DESTINY.

Destiny Album Cover 1978

picture: The Jacksons are Stars, and this was their destiny.
The success of the album DESTINY marked a triumph for them and so TRIUMPH was the appropriate name for their next album.

1984. Michael Jackson and the „Lucky Star“ in Hollywood

Michael Jackson separated himself from his brothers. With his mega success with his album THRILLER, he received in 1984 a star at the „Walk of Fame“ in Hollywood. A News Paper article wrote about „Michael´s Lucky Star“.

Michael Jackson Symbol Star 1984 Hollywood und Dangerous Cover 1991

picture left from themichaeljacksonarchives.com source
picture right Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover 1991 source

1988. Michael Jackson’s MOONWALKER and: „That is not his ‚Lucky Star'“

The headline „Michael’s Lucky Star“ had Michael Jackson quoted by the girl Katie in his 1988 film MOONWALKER. In 1988, Michael Jackson was under fire not only in the movies but also in the media. Over Michael’s cinematic death in MOONWALKER, he had the grieving, desperate Katie declare that in 1988 this star was no longer „Michael’s lucky star.“

Michael Jackson Moonwalker und das Symbol Star mit dem Mädchen Katie, das einen Stern in den Händen hält.

picture: the girl Katie in Michael Jackson’s MOONWALKER 1988.

Michael Jackson about Michael Jackson: „They called me a ‚freak'“

In MOONWALKER, Michael Jackson is warned by a comet, or a star, about the upcoming attack on him and the imminent destruction. Or was the comet, which symbolizes the career of Michael Jackson, who was so successful with his album THRILLER, the actual reason why the star was subsequently ordered to be shot down? In this regard Michael Jackson in retrospect about the time after THRILLER:

„The minute I started breaking the all-time record in record-sales […] they called me a freak, they called me homosexuel, they called me a child molester, they said I bleached my skin! They made everything to turn the public against me!“

Michael Jackson, 2002. 8

In 1988, in his film MOONWALKER, Michael Jackson seems to portray the attacks on him by the press and critics in a particularly impressive way:

picture: The comet in 1988 in MOONWALKER announces the upcoming shoot-down of the star. source

Michael Jackson Moonwalker 1988 comet shooting star attak

picture: The attack against the star by the press and critics is being presented in a new visual way. source

1988. Michael Jackson at the end of MOONWALKER is simultaneous at the end of his world. Is the star announcing a comeback?

The search for the star whose end we witnessed in MOONWALKER continues. It leads to the Shooting Star, the symbol of the career of Moonwalker Michael Jackson — and his comeback. 9

„I had to come back.“

Michael Jackson in 1988 at the end of MOONWALKER, when nobody believed in a comeback of the star.
Michael Jackson und das Symbol Star in Moonwalker 1988.

picture: The shooting star in MOONWALKER announcing the star’s comeback. l.: source r.: source

1991. The star is back and so is Michael Jackson. With the peacock by his side

When in 1991 the star announces his comeback, this time the triumph seems DANGEROUS. The star is the symbol of „protection, health, perfection and beauty.“ 10 Maybe the star Michael Jackson suspects, that he will especially need the protection of his lucky star in the DANGEROUS era?

Michael Jackson und das Symbol Star, Pfau auf Dangerous Cover 1991.

picture: The star from 1991 on the DANGEROUS album cover of Michael Jackson source

And then there is this sign from 1991 on Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS Cover, reminiscent of a shooting star: in Barnum´s pin, hinting at the fulfillment of the star´s career in the year „1998“.

Michael Jackson und die Nummer 1998 auf Dangerous Cover Barnum

picture l.: P.T. Barnum´s pin on Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover source

More interpretation about Michael Jackson and the possible meaning of his number „1998“ in this related article:

„Special Officer“ Jackson and the star as a military badge

The star is also part of military regalia and fits the mission of „Special Officer“ Jackson, who wants to heal the world with his career and his army. HEAL THE WORLD.

„The star stands for the wholeness of the human being, which is beyond the separation of the sexes and can only be achieved by putting together and uniting male and female.“

„Das Buch der Symbole“. 11
Michael Jackson und das Symbol Star in Dangerous, HIstory Teaser, Bad, Leave Me alone
pictures Michael Jackson, the Star and the star:
f.l.t.r.: 1992 Opening of the DANGEROUS-concerts – Jam  source; 1992 press conference source; 1993 Moscow, orphanage source; 1988 LEAVE ME ALONE source; 1995 excerpt from a Jackson jacket source a star in the eye of the star source; 1995 HIStory Teaser source; HIStory Teaser source; HIStory Teaser source; DANGEROUS/1986 source, BAD-belt source

 1978 DESTINY Cover: Michael Jackson, the star and the peacock

Since 1978, Michael Jackson has chosen not only the star but also the peacock as his symbol. On the album cover DESTINY from Michael Jackson and his brothers, this peacock sits on a kind of throne and a sparkling star can be seen at his feet. A peacock symbolizes „reign […] beauty and sexuality, heaven and eternal life.“ But also vanity. 12
In 1978, Michael Jackson attributed other special features to the peacock:

The Peacock is the only bird that integrates all of the colors into one. It can only produce this radiance of fire when it is in love. And that is what we are trying to represent through our music. To bring all races together through love. Politics can’t save the world so the music people should at least try. The significance is important to me and is one of the main reasons why I do what I do.“

Michael Jackson, 1979. 13
Michael Jackson und das Symbol Pfau und Star auf Destiny Cover 1978

picture: The peacock and the star, the symbols of Michael Jackson on the back of the record cover of DESTINY from THE JACKSONS, 1978 source

1991 DANGEROUS Cover: The letter „M“, the star and the peacock and Michael Jackson

In 1978, when the peacock was born as a symbol, Michael Jackson showed it on the back of the DESTINY album. And already on this album cover the peacock sits on a throne while a star sparkles at his feet. Jackson sticks to the symbols peacock and star and makes them the center of the DANGEROUS cover in 1991 again. The musician Michael is very close to both through the initial: „M“.

picture: The peacock – directly above the symbol of the star – and the initial „M“ on the 1991 DANGEROUS cover from Michael Jackson source

Just like in 1978 on DESTINY, in 1991 on DANGEROUS the star and the peacock are close to each other and together they create the star Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson, the star and the peacock:
l.: Album cover DESTINY from 1978 source
r.: DANGEROUS from 1991 source

„The peacock, bird of immortality, enthrones the immortals.“

Das Buch der Symbole 14

Stars will never die. 15 When in 1978 the comet on the front of the record cover DESTINY announces the new beginning of the career of Michael Jackson together with his brothers, is this a kind of rebirth. A comeback after the industry had deemed the „The Jacksons“ careers to be over.

„Wanna rock with you“ or the rainbow colours of the peacock in love united in the star Michael Jackson

In 1979 the history of the peacock continued with the solo career of Michal Jackson. Jackson, the glittering star and the peacock appear sparkling in the music video ROCK WITH YOU. Combined with magic and imagination.

„The peacock’s full plumage would explode only when it was in love, and then all the colors would shine – all the colors of the rainbow on one body.“

Michael Jackson, 1988. 16

l.: 1978 the rainbow colors of the peacock in love, the star and Michael Jackson. THE JACKSONS, DESTINY album source
r.: 1979 Jackson, the shining star an the sparkling rainbow colours like a peacock in love in ROCK WITH YOU source

„Tell the person next to you that you love them!“ Michael Jackson in 2002 and the peacock and the love in 1981

In 1981, Michael Jackson and his brothers created an album they called TRIUMPH. In fact, their previous album DESTINY from 1978 and Michael’s solo album from 1979 OFF THE WALL were triumphantly successful. In 1981 they made a movie to the song: TRIUMPH. CAN YOU FEEL IT?
In TRIUMPH. CAN YOU FEEL IT the peacock shines high up in the sky surrounded by golden brightness. Michael came up with the concept for this short film. Maybe Michael told us that the shining peacock gives a concert where all races come together, overcoming the fear of prejudice and racism. And after overcoming all social barriers, the star’s performance becomes a TRIUMPH. For all of us.

picture: 1981. THE TRIUMPH – CAN YOU FEEL IT? and the symbols of Michael Jackson, star snd peacock celebrating a Triumph source

There are decades between Michael Jackson’s film and his 2002 speech, but it almost seems like he’s still giving some sort of direction like in his short film CAN YOU FEEL IT. In 1981 the images in the short film CAN YOU FEEL IT show Native Americans, African Americans, whites in an anxiously crowded group. But then the peacock appears, symbolizing the star Jackson is giving a concert. The people overcome their fear in this concert. They are happy what they experience all together and hold each other´s hands. This is hope. source; That is Jackson´s message. A message he had firmly maintained to HEAL THE WORLD. In 2002, he gave a speech on this topic:

„We must learn to live and love each other before it’s too late. We have to stop! We have to stop the prejudice. We have to stop the hating. We have to stop living in fear of our own neighbors. I would like all of you now to take the hand of the person to the left and to the right. Go ahead! Right now! I mean it! Don’t be shy! Do it! It starts now! To the person next to you. To the left and the right. I mean it. Right now! Go ahead! Don’t be shy. Do it! Do it! Now, tell the person … tell the person next to you that you care for them. Tell them that you care for them. Tell them that you love them. Tell them that you love them. This is what makes the difference. Together we can make a change of the world. Together we can help to stop racism. Together we can help to stop prejudice. We can help the world live without fear. It’s our only hope, without hope we are lost.“

Michael Jackson in 2002. 17

Michael Jackson had not lost his hope for mankind.

Michael Jackson Can You Feel it Pfau Symbol Bedeutung Hold my Hand
pictures from: 1981 short film CAN YOU FEEL IT? The Triumph

CAN YOU FEEL IT from 1978 on the DANGEROUS cover from 1991: the star, the peacock and Jackson´s message

The concept of the peacock, the star, the radiant fire and a gathering of the most diverse creatures, Michael Jackson had also put in the center of the DANGEROUS cover in 1991. It seems the gathering of the concert audience is symbolized on DANGEROUS by animals. These images continue to deliver the message from CAN YOU FEEL IT from 1978:

„COME TOGETHER … over me!“

Michael Jackson Dangerous Cover Symbol Star Stern und Pfau

Picture: A coming together of different races – here symbolically animals – over Michael Jackson. A kind of „Come Together … over me!“. The art of Michael Jackson.

„Nation to Nation all the world has come together“

When Michael Jackson triumphed with his DANGEROUS world tour starting in 1992, the stage was in darkness for every concert opener. Until Jackson bursts out of the ground. Like phoenix from the ashes. Literally. The star Michael Jackson stands in a pyrotechnical sea of stars, and he shimmers in all colors like a peacock. Now the star is a Shooting Star made human.

Michael Jackson Jam Dangerous world tour Can You feel it 1981 shortfilm peacock star symbol

picture: Peacock, star, fire. A come together. Over Michael Jackson
o.: 1978 CAN YOU FEEL IT source b.: 1992 JAM on the DANGEROUS world tour source; Opening act of the Dangerous world tour. Appropriate start to bring together all races over Michael Jackson.

Through the ages, the peacock has been honored and praised for its attractive, illustrious beauty. Of all the bird family, the peacock is the only bird that integrates all colors into one, and displays this radiance of fire only when in love.“

Michael Jackson, 1978. 18

Michael Jackson tried all over his life to unite all races of this world through the love for music. He succeeded. And this is also how he starts his DANGEROUS album and the opening of his concerts around the world. With the song JAM: 19, 20

„Nation to nation. All the world has come together
Face the problems that we see then maybe somehow we can work it out.“

Michael Jackson, 1991, JAM.

CAN YOU FEEL IT? When millions of people come together over Jackson, it’s their collective triumph. HEAL THE WORLD. And the world would be healed.

Michael Jackson symbol pfau friede peace Can You Feel It Heal the world
The star is in the sky, the peacock shows its colors. People of all races have gathered around him: Around the earth. f.l.t.r.: 1981 CAN YOU FEEL IT source; 1991 DANGEROUS source; 1992 HEAL THE WORLD, live DANGEROUS World Tour. The star, like the peacock feather in CAN YOU FEEL IT 1981 ascends into the air via a lifting platform, the earth is below him in form of a balloon. A crowd of people come together. Over him.
Michael Jackson Symbol Pfau auf Album Destiny, Album Dangerous, in Can You Feel it Video, in Rock With You und Live zum Konzertbeginn mi Jam.
The peacock, the star. The presentation of Michael Jackson from 1978 until 1981
l.: DESTINY album cover source and short film CAN YOU FEEL IT? The Triumph source, ROCK WITH YOU source ,1991 DANGEROUS album cover source and the beginning of the DANGEROUS concert JAM live 1992 source

Also in 1988, the peacock is shown in the intro of the film MOONWALKER together with the paraphernalia of the King of Pop Michael Jackson. The peacock also plays a role in LEAVE ME ALONE, the film in which the star criticizes the tabloids.

l.: 1988 Intro in MOONWALKER
r.: 1988 the peacock shows itself very briefly in LEAVE ME ALONE

The peacock and the star. Onstage

In 1992, Jackson made the short film REMEMBER THE TIME to accompany the album DANGEROUS. And here as well the star shows the colorful feathers of the peacock, the throne, the radiant sparkle. In REMEMBER THE TIME, the shining star emerges from the ashes of a dark figure. Like a Phoenix from the ashes, the bird of the sun. Its iridescent tail is emblematic of the sun’s „fiery setting and its fan-like radiance at dawn.“

Michael Jackson Symbol Pfau Remember The Time 1992

The peacock, the star rising up, Michael Jackson and the throne – peacock feathers in the fan on the throne – again. REMEMBER THE TIME, 1993, DANGEROUS-THE SHORTFILMS source

1995. Comeback of the star

In 1995, the sparkling star returns with an army of star-carriers in a film called HISTORY-TEASER. The Peacock has gone military and the Imperial Eagle takes the lead. 21

Michael Jackson Symbol Star HIStory Teaser 1995

picture: Michael Jackson’s HIStory Teaser, 1995 source

In 1995, due to Jackson’s new album HISTORY, the gigantic „Michael Jackson industry“ is again working on the star’s comeback. As seen in Jackson’s HISTORY TEASER.

Michael Jackson Symbol Star HIStory Teaser 1995

picture: The „making-of the star“ in Michael Jackson’s HIStory-Teaser source

More about The „Making-of“ the star as a piece of Art by Michael Jackson in the related article:

At one of his concerts on his last world tour, the King of Pop gave a speech highlighting his collaborators just as he had done in the promotional film for the HISTORY album in the HIStory teaser:

I wanna thank the band, the dancers, the crew and all the technical people to make this Empire, this industry that we have here, this giant circus a possibility. Or should I say, this bow is for you.“

Michael Jackson, 1997, Munich Olympiastadium. 22

„The star represents the wholeness of the human being“

And maybe the star gives structure to the world on DANGEROUS.

„The star represents the wholeness of the human being, which is beyond the separation of the sexes and can only be achieved by putting together and uniting male and female.“

From „Das Buch der Symbole“, 2010. 23
Michael Jackson Symbol Star DANGEROUS Cover 1991

Image: The placement for the opposing figures on Michael Jackson’s DANGEROUS album cover from 1991.

They say that some of the stars that we see overhead aren’t really there. Their light takes millions of years to reach us, and all we are doing is looking into the past, into a bygone moment when those stars could still shine. „So what does a star do after it quits shining?“ I ask myself. „Maybe it dies.“ „Oh, no,“ a voice in my head says. „A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.“ I like that thought, the last one I have before my eyes close. With a smile, I melt back into the music myself.

Michael Jackson, Dancing of Life. 1992. 24

2009. THIS IS IT and there is something wrong with the star Michael Jackson

March 5, 2009. Michael Jackson announces his last concert series during a press conference in his absolutely last appearance. THIS IS IT he called it, which can be translated to „That’s it“.
Again, Michael Jackson wears an armband with a star on it, but this time there’s something wrong with the star: the Moonwalker’s star in 2009 didn’t have those eight rays for 30 years. It had always been five rays that made up the star. It is said to have been very important to Michael Jackson to wear this armband with this star at the press conference where the world was watching in 2009. Perhaps Jackson had simply made a mistake in his very last public appearance. Maybe that’s why there was no comeback. (More about this in the notes at the end of the page.)

MJ wanted to wear a sequin armband but didn’t have a way to attach it to his arm. Phillips: MJ wouldn’t leave unless he had sequined armband on. At that point it was more than I could take“… „I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking“ …“This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He’s an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death …“ „I just slapped him and screamed at him louder that I did with Arthur Cassell.“

Randy Phillips (president and CEO) of AEG Live, concert promoter of the THIS IS IT concerts in the trial Katherine Jackson v. AEG Live. 25
Michael Jackson Symbol Star THIS IS IT Pressekonferenz 2009

picture: Michael Jacksons THIS IS IT press conference March 5, 2009, London. The armband is said to have been extremely important to Jackson when he announced a concert series he didn’t want to announce. source

It may be called over-interpretation or „symbol hijacking.“ But we never saw the star on stage again after his last press conference. The expected coming together of the people was cancelled. Three months later, the star was dead. The fact is, THIS IS IT never had a lucky star.

„So what does a star do after it quits shining?“ I ask myself. „Maybe it dies.“
„Oh, no,“ a voice in my head says. „A star can never die.“ …

Michael Jackson. In 1992 he gave his poem the title DANCE OF LIFE. 26

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  1. Nordahl, David, interview; Copyright 2010 by Deborah L. Kunesh, Webseite „Reflection On The Dance“, reflectionsonthedance.com/interviewwithdavidnordahl.html
  2. Jones, Quincy in an interview about Michael Jackson, year unknown,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npPad6-yi4s
  3. Serling, Rod, „The Twilight Zone“ Episode „It’s a good life!“, Serling, Rod; Bixby, Jerome. 1961. With these words, Rod Serling introduces six-year-old Anthony Freeman in 1956 as the little monster who has a Peter Pan-style grip on his hometown and its inhabitants with the power of his mind. Therefore, little Anthony is surrounded by yes-men and perhaps Jackson saw parallels to his own existence. The „TWILIGHT ZONE“ is an American TV series from the 1950s/1960s. Michael Jackson quotes TWILIGHT ZONE creator and spokesman Rod Serling in the song THREATENED. In THREATENED – Jackson’s last song on his last album INVINCIBLE from 2001 – he creates a kind of RAP out of quotes by Serling, with which he had introduced or ended different episodes. The quotes used in THREATENED are perhaps secondary in content, while on the morals and the contents of the narratives in the episodes from which they were taken, the emphasis is obviously. The quote Jackson uses in THREATEND from the episode with little Anthony Fremont, who has a firm grip on his community, is as follows: „Tonight’s story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction […].“ And continues with „this particular monster can read minds, you see. He knows every thought; he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something, didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.“ Serling introduces the little monster’s eyes on the show by saying, „His name is Anthony Fremont. He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you’d better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.“ CBS/Koch Media GmbH – DVD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1My6f6vBXeY
  4. Ryden, Mark, interview with the Fan Club Magazine: „One DANGEROUS Artist“ with the MJFC in 2001, „, http://www.mjjackson-forever.com/
  5. Jackson, Michael, Dancing the Dream – I searched for my Star, 1992/1993, Doubleday an imprint of Transworld Publishers, London/Goldmann Verlag Bertelsmann
  6. Bush, Michael Lee, Michael Jackson-King of Style – Die Fashion-Ikone, 2012/2013, Inside Edition/Seemann Henschel Verlag, Leipzig, page 177
  7. Das Buch der Symbole – Betrachtungen Zu Archetypischen Bildern: Editor: Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin; 2010, Taschen Verlag, Cologne, page 34
  8. Jackson, Michael, speech at the NAN event with Reverend Al Sharpton in in New York, July 6, 2002: „I’m here to speak for all injustice. You gotta remember something—the minute I started breaking the all-time record in record sales—I broke Elvis’s records, I broke Beatles records—the minute it became the all-time best-selling album in the Guinness Book of World Records, OVERNIGHT they called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester, they said I bleached my skin! They made everything to turn the public against me! And this is all a complete, complete conspiracy. You have to know that.“
  9. Bush, Michael Lee, Michael Jackson-King of Style – Die Fashion-Ikone, 2012/2013, „The next motif is a flying angel above a shooting star, symbolizing Michael’s solo career.“ Inside Edition/Seemann Henschel Verlag, Leipzig, page 177
  10. Butzer, Günter/Jacob, Joachim, Lexikon literarischer Symbole, 2012, Pentagram, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar
  11. Das Buch der Symbole – Betrachtungen Zu Archetypischen Bildern, Editor: Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin; 2010, Taschen Verlag, Cologne, page 470
  12. Butzer, Günter/, Jacob, Joachim, Lexikon literarischer Symbole, 2012, Pfau, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar, page 319
  13. Jones; Abbey, Tamiko; John, Michael Jackson – Double Exposure; „Michael Jackson’s Peacock Music…“, 10.09.1979, „The Peacock is the only bird that integrates all of the colours into one. It can only produce this radiance of fire when it is in love. And that is what we are trying to represent through our music. To bring all races together through love. Politics can’t save the world so the music people should at least try […] The significance is important to me and is one of the main reasons why I do what I do“ , Blues & Soul & Disco Review – The World’s No 1 Soul & Disco Mag
  14. The Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism, Das Buch der Symbole – Betrachtungen Zu Archetypischen Bildern, Editor: Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin; 2010, Pfau, Taschen Verlag, Cologne, page 260 
  15. Jackson, Michael, Interview with John Pidgeon, January 1980, „I think secretly and privately, I mean really deep within, there’s a destiny, for me, and just for me to stay on that track and follow […] Call it disco, call it anything […] it’s music. […] That is the ugly thing about man – they categorize too much. They get a little bit too racial about things when it should all be together. That’s why you hear us talk about the peacock a lot, because the peacock is the only bird of all the bird family that integrates every color into one. And that’s our main goal in music, is to integrate every race into one, through music, and we’re doing that. If you go to our concerts, you see every race out there, and they’re all waving hands and they’re holding hands and they’re smiling and they’re dancing. And that to me is accomplishing everything. That’s the biggest reward for me, more than money, is to bring those people together and do that. That’s what makes me feel good. You see the kids out there dancing, as well as the grownups and the grandparents. All colors. And that’s what’s great. That’s what keeps me going.“, http://rocksbackpages.com“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFHjJ50HtMc&feature=youtu.be
  16. Jackson, Michael, MOONWALK, 1988/2010.04, „The writer said that the peacock’s full plumage would explode only when it was in love, and then all the colors would shine – all the colors of the rainbow on one body.“, Cornerstone Digital
  17. Jackson, Michael, speech St. James Park – Stadion in Exeter, 2002, July 14., source.
  18. Jackson, Michael, DESTINY – Album; The Jacksons, 17.12.1978, „We, like the peacock, try to integrate all races into through the love of music.“-Michael and Jackie Jackson For Peacock Productions, Epic
  19. 1_A note to the peacock and Michael Jackson: Truly picturesque and glamorous, Jackson presented the peacock for the last time over the first half of the DANGEROUS world tour in 1992. At the start of the second half of the DANGEROUS world tour, Jackson was accused of child molestation by script-writing dentist Evan Chandler. Chandler’s accusations led to a witch hunt for Jackson from which the star never recovered. Coincidence or not, when Jackson nevertheless embarks on the second half of the DANGEROUS world tour under the pressure of the allegations, his jacket, in which the colors of the peacock previously had shimmered, was gone. Jackson then wears black. Militant in an appropriate uniform. The peacock had gone.
  20. Jones; Abbey, Tamiko; John, Michael Jackson – Double Exposure; „Michael Jackson’s Peacock Music …“ interview, 10.09.1979, „We cut a couple of things live … it gives such a spontaneous feeling and reminds me of when R&B first started in the South and all the blacks would just get together in a shack and jam. So much feeling. That’s what’s missing today … everything is so commercial and mechanical.“ Blues & Soul & Disco Review – The World’s No 1 Soul & Disco Mag
  21. The Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism, Das Buch der Symbole – Betrachtungen Zu Archetypischen Bildern, Editor: Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin;. 2010, Pfau, Taschen Verlag, Köln, page 260
  22. Jackson, Michael, HIStory concert, Germany, München, Olympiastadion, 1997.07., ZDF HD; Jackson´s speech before the beginning of the Jackson 5 Medley. I wanna thank the band, the dancers, the crew and all the technical people to make this Empire, this industry that we have here, this giant circus a possibility. Or should I say, this bow is for you … And you know how I feel about you. From the deepest, from the abyss of my soul and my heart I thank you and I love you very much., https://youtu.be/kDOvJcpdOEQ?t=42
  23. Das Buch der Symbole – Betrachtungen Zu Archetypischen Bildern, Editor: Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin; 2010, King and Queen, translated here in english (without guarantee): „The alchemical marriage of king and queen condenses a psychological process that begins with an initial hostility between opposites (Sol and Luna) and ends in harmonious union. Here we have the opposition of Sun and Moon as a human couple, as King and Queen. The encounter is at first still very distant. This is shown by the courtly dress. They give each other, contrary to custom, the left hand. Although the left side is the side of the heart, it is also the dark, unfavorable side. On the one hand, this indicates a certain shyness, even secrecy, in the relationship, but on the other hand, it also indicates a certain driven nature. It is the proverbial attraction of opposites that acts on them. There are three living beings that make up the rose. King, queen and dove. These three are not to be considered ordinary human beings, but human representatives of the divine forces of Sun, Moon and Star; male, female and androgynous. The star represents the wholeness of the human being, which is beyond the separation of the sexes and can only be achieved by putting together and uniting male and female“, Taschen Verlag, Cologne, page 470
  24. Jackson, Michael, Dancing the Dream – Dance of Life, 1992/1993, Doubleday an imprint of Transworld Publishers, London/Goldmann publisher Bertelsmann
  25. 1_Note: Short reproduction of Michael Jackson’s last press conference on 05.03.2009, in which he announced the THIS IS IT concert series. Based on Twitter messages about the testimony of Randy Phillips (president and CEO) of AEG Live, the concert promoter of the THIS IS IT concerts in the trial Katherine Jackson v. AEG Live in the court hearing from June 2013. Michael Jackson initially does not appear at the press conference on 05.03.2009 and the announcement of the worldwide attention-grabbing concerts is in danger of being cancelled. Phillips, financially and personally responsible for the event in London, ‚freaks out‘ after visiting Jackson in his hotel room. Phillips feared that Jackson would break his contract for the „This Is It“ concerts. Following are some excerpts from Twitter messages from journalists about Phillips‘ court testimony in June 2013: „Phillips said when he got into the room, the singer was sitting on a couch. There was a bottle of clear liquid that may have been vodka He said Jackson appeared hung over.(AP) Phillips: I said Michael, are you ok? That’s when he said to me that he was really concerned no one was going to be there. (ABC7)
    (An additional note on this as well: A drunk Jackson? One story comes to mind about Jackson’s behavior when his situation with people in suits threatens to become all too serious. Jackson told Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in 2000: „Shmuley Boteach: Tell me more about your practical jokes. Michael Jackson: [Once] I took a whole bottle of scotch and I poured it into this glass in this serious meeting with all these people and I started to drink the whole thing in one gulp. And I swallowed it and I started breathing and everyone went silent. I filled it with water. They died laughing. I love doing stuff like that. I had ’em Shmuley. They thought it was vodka.“
    source: Boteach, Shmuley. The Michael Jackson Tapes: A Tragic Icon Reveals His Soul in Intimate Conversation, Vanguard Press. Kindle-Version.) At the June 2013 hearing, Phillips responded to an attorney’s question about whether Jackson had been drunk at the March 5, 2009, press conference by saying “Was Mr. Jackson drunk?” Panish asked. “No, to the best of my knowledge no,” Phillips testified. “Was he despondent?” Panish asked. “No,” Phillips replied.
    Phillips said he told MJ things were quite differently, there were 3,000 adoring fans waiting for him and all top news organizations. MJ got up, Phillips said, and went to the bathroom with Dr. Tohme and makeup artist. Phillips described how MJ wanted to wear a sequin armband but didn’t have a way to attach it to his arm. Phillips said he got angry. Phillips: ‚MJ wouldn’t leave unless he had sequined armband on. At that point it was more than I could take.“(ABC7) (Phillips already had doubts a week earlier that Jackson would not even show up for the press conference. Jackson apparently was not going to make the concert series. Phillips was unable to reach him a week before the announced date. … Phillips began to worry that Jackson would break his contract with AEG Live for his „This Is It“ concerts: „If there ever was a time to stop the process,“ it was then in late February, he testified. „That’s when we had the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of collateral.“ Phillip’s next e-mail to his boss suggested his tone with Jackson was anything but soothing: „I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking,“ Phillips said in another e-mail to Leiweke. „Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair. Then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He’s an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference.“ Phillips vented his frustration with more than words. „I just slapped him and screamed at him louder that I did with Arthur Cassell.“ dailymichael.com/past-lawsuits/jackson-v-aeg/162-jacksons-vs-aeg-day-28-june-12-2013
  26. Jackson, Michael, Dancing the Dream – Dance of Life, 1992/1993, „They say that some of the stars that we see overhead aren’t really there. Their light takes millions of years to reach us, and all we are doing is looking into the past, into a bygone moment when those stars could still shine. „So what does a star do after it quits shining?“ I ask myself. „Maybe it dies.“ „Oh, no,“ a voice in my head says. „A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.“ I like that thought, the last one I have before my eyes close. With a smile, I melt back into the music myself.“, Doubleday an imprint of Transworld Publishers, London/Goldmann Verlag Bertelsmann

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