III DANGEROUS Michael Jackson, the Moonwalker as Sun King
Michael Jackson went down in history as the Moonwalker, but how did the King of Pop become at the same time the Sun King?
Michael Jackson went down in history as the Moonwalker, but how did the King of Pop become at the same time the Sun King?
Was haben Napoleon I, Michael Jackson, Jupiter und Zeus und andere Götter gemeinsam? Ein Artikel über die Symbole der Macht.
What have Napoleon, Michael Jackson, Jupiter and Zeus and other Gods in common? An article about the symbols of power.
Michael Jackson benutzte unzählige Symbole und zitierte in seiner aRt Militär, Macht und Napoleon. Doch was steckte hinter der römischen Statue, die er in seinen Filmen aufstellen ließ?
Michael Jackson cited military symbols and Napoleon in his art. But where? And what is the meaning of the mysterious Roman statue in MOONWALKER 1988, BLACK OR WHITE 1991 and WHO IS IT 1993?
Michael Jackson was infatuated with British heredity but where did he quote Queen Elizabeth I and II? And what does the Queen of Hollywood Elizabeth Taylor have to do with it?
Wo zitierte Michael Jackson Queen Elizabeth I. und II.? Was hat seine Freundin Elizabeth Taylor, die Queen Hollywoods, damit zu tun? Und gibt es eine Hochzeit vom King und der Queen auf dem DANGEROUS Cover?
Hybris oder Rebellion? Michael Jackson rebellierte gegen Kirche und Religion. Ließ er 1991 einen Altar auf sein Album DANGEROUS malen?
Hubris or rebellion? Michael Jackson rebelled against church and religion. Did he have an altar painted on his 1991 DANGEROUS cover?