XIX Michael Jackson Threatened behind the mask?
How much of the Michael Jackson mask was part of the image? And how much autobiography is in the song THREATENED by Michael Jackson 2001?
How much of the Michael Jackson mask was part of the image? And how much autobiography is in the song THREATENED by Michael Jackson 2001?
„Sometimes you feel like you’re in prison!“
Michael Jackson used symbols in his art numerous times and the symbol „prison“ cited Jackson in his own special way for decades.
Michael Jackson used in his very special way countless symbols in his artworks and for decades Jackson quoted the symbol of „escape“ (Escape).
They staged a scandal around Jackson, ransacked his life and the world felt entertained. In 2005, Michael Jackson was found „not guilty.“ Four years later, he was dead. Had anyone ever apologized to him?
Sie inszenierten um Jackson einen Skandal, durchwühlten sein Leben und die Welt fühlte sich unterhalten. 2005 wurde Michael Jackson „Nicht Schuldig“ gesprochen. Vier Jahre später war er tot. Hatte sich je einer bei ihm entschuldigt?
Für Journalistin Diane Dimond ist Victor Gutierrez mit seiner zweifelhaften Fantasie „eine meiner besten Sources in der Michael Jackson Story“. 1995 brachte Michael Jackson sie vor Gericht.
Wie der Presserat die Presseethik der WAZ und ihres Journalisten Hautkapp in ihrer Berichterstattung über Michael Jackson kritisiert und die zweitschärfste Sanktion ausspricht.
How the German Press Council criticizes press ethics of German News paper WAZ and journalist Dirk Hautkapp in his report about Jackson. Sanction: Disapproval, the second most severe sanction.